It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!
Ranger Command Power Hour is celebrating our 3rd anniversary! We are joined by special guest co-hosts Chris (@TokuChris) and Tom (@SoulInkChu) from Tokunation and the new Talkin’ Toku YouTube channel and Matt aka Dukemon (@TheRealMattHunt)!
We discuss the news, including: the first eight episode titles and descriptions for Power Rangers Ninja Steel, MEOWER RANGERS and Shout! Factory releasing Gekisou Sentai Carranger to DVD.
Then, we discuss some of our favorite moments of the past year and YOURS in our Ranger Nation Answers segment. Finally, we get some Questions from Ranger Nation which include our favorite fights, using Kamen Rider for a Power Rangers adaptation, live action Boom! Studios MMPR, cons we’ll be attending and more!
Thanks to EVERYONE for listening to our show. Feel the Steel!
Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 085 – RCPH 3rd Anniversary Special
Links mentioned in the episode: