On Wednesday, February 10th, Mighty Morphin Issue 4 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown earlier this week.

The UNLIMITED POWER era continues with the answer to the question everyone’s asking – Who Is The New Green Ranger? And what is their shocking connection to the Mighty Morphin team? It’s the last page shocker that no fan can miss!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“This is it. The issue everyone has been waiting for. Whether you were spoiled by other sites of the identity of the New Green Ranger or have been patiently (or not so) waiting, this issue is still a must read. Of course we won’t spoil the surprise, but this isn’t the only reveal in this issue…

From the previews below, we continue to get a glimpse into the life of Zordon of Eltar when he was younger.  Personally, I love this bit of lore dive into Zordon’s past and his emergence as a reluctant Guardian of Eltar. Much like the teenagers he will recruit ten thousand years later, Zordon does not see the potential in himself and it’s up to his mentor Supreme Guardian Zophram to guide him. Meanwhile, the Power Rangers are in a tough spot as Lord Zedd’s Putty Prime overwhelms the Thunder Megazord.

What happens in the rest of the issue will lead to some big revelations for both the Power Rangers themselves and readers. With so many developments happening, I expect future issues to deliver the consequences of past relationships to reward long term readers. If you haven’t participated in the now finished Kickstarter for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hardcover collection, I highly suggest that newer readers pick up the softcover collections for both MMPR and Go Go Power Rangers. 

Writer Ryan Parrott will definitely be drawing from past storylines and relationships between all of the Rangers. The Boom Studios Power Rangers universe has its own deep mythology five years into the comics. There is a lot to mine from, and right now Parrott is pulling from multiple story lines. Artist Marco Renna is still doing an amazing job with this book. I enjoy the way he adds details to the backgrounds and makes the action pop with dynamic perspective changes. Walter Baiamonte continues to rock as colorist, with most of the issue filled with vibrant colors from the daytime setting. Letterer Ed Dukeshire also is consistent with the entire line of Power Rangers comics and adds punch to big reveals. 

Like I said, the reveal of the Green Ranger may not surprise everyone, but readers should focus on what this means for the future of these characters and their relationships. Once the Dragonzord is out of the bag, it can never be put back…”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: In-Hyuk Lee
Legacy Cover: Eleonora Carlini
Price: $3.99

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COMIC PREVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 3

On Wednesday, January 20th, Power Rangers Issue 3 will be released from Boom Studios.

POWER RANGERS #3 – Two New Series. Two New Teams. The UNLIMITED POWER ERA continues as Drakkon is the key to the Power Rangers‘ new mission. But to defeat the new cosmic threat, the new Power Rangers team – Jason, Trini, Zack and new members – has put their faith in their greatest enemy. And the only way they may be able to save the universe is by giving Drakkon exactly what he wants…

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Continuing the story from the previous issue, the Rangers must formulate and execute a plan to rid the Spectrum II of the HORRID. The Horrid, for lack of a better term, are space vampires. But with a twist, they are in a state of inter-dimensional phase shifting that makes some physical attacks impossible.

If this sounds like a bunch of Star Trek-like technobabble, you’d be right – Ryan Parrott previously wrote Star Trek comics. Here, it feels natural with the Omega Rangers and their deep space mission. Xi gets some much needed focus in this issue, bringing the Rangers together and helping put the plan into motion. If you were worried about the high emotions brewing these last few issues, don’t worry. At least by the end of this issue, the tension has died down between the Rangers. 

There are a couple standout moments in this issue that we won’t spoil, but one is a direct homage and mirrors a key event in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 25. It appears some things may never change…

Writer Ryan Parrott successfully delivers a tight 2-issue mini-arc that leaves the door open for this enemy to come back, if they choose to revisit them. The next couple of issues seem to be leaning towards exploring what happened with Drakkon many issues earlier from the end of Shattered Grid and how he escaped his prison. How Drakkon will work with the team, or not, to deal with the threat of the Empyreals remains to be seen. Hopefully, the next issues start dealing with that threat more directly. I hope that we see them make an appearance soon. Otherwise, their threat might start to feel diminished as the months go on.

As always, artist Francesco Mortarino continues his style from the later run of Go Go Power Rangers. He is adapting to a ship-based story with tight closeups of characters and a claustrophobic feeling between panels. This only adds to the feeling of tension in the issue. Colorist Raúl Angulo has a wonderful dark palette, with a lot of purples, reds and rich blacks. Combined, Francesco and Raúl complete the atmosphere set in Ryan Parrott’s story. 

Overall, Power Rangers Issue 3 delivers a successful conclusion to this first mini-arc format. How this will play into the ongoing threat of the Empyreals remains to be seen.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Matteo Scalera
Legacy Cover: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Price: $3.99

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On Wednesday, January 13th, Mighty Morphin Issue 3 will be released from Boom Studios.

Two New Series. Two New Teams. The UNLIMITED POWER ERA continues with a shocking betrayal by a member of the Mighty Morphin team… but WHY? With the Mighty Morphin team in disarray, Lord Zedd makes his deadliest attack yet – and no one is ready for what he’s got planned!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“The newest issue of Mighty Morphin starts with a flashback to over ten thousand years ago. As seen in the preview below, Zordan is with Zartus, another of the Guardians of Eltar.

I really like this scene because it reminds me of another favorite franchise, Star Trek. In this time, the Guardians are like the Federation. Before new worlds can be under their care or brought into the fold, they are observed before First Contact. The ‘supervision’ they are conducting is set before a reveal, which will make the world ‘complicated’ according to Zartus.

This sets up an interesting parallel to what we know of another Eltarian introduced two issues ago, Candice. She is on her own Supervision of Earth, going undercover much like Zordon and Zartus millennia ago. Is the mysterious figure she was talking to Zartus? We know he doesn’t become Supreme Guardian. That honor went to Zophram in last month’s flashback.

And that was all from the preview! The rest of the issue picks up right where the action ended in the cliffhanger last issue, with the teens fighting the new Chaos Putties. Without spoiling the rest of the issue, there are plotlines that start coming to a head in interesting ways. This sets up what is sure to be an explosive fourth issue, where supposedly the identity of the new Green Ranger is confirmed.

Writer Ryan Parrott continues to weave intrigue in the present with lore building of the past. Leaning on Zordon’s past as the connective tissue for this narrative, is heartbreaking. Seeing the optimism of his youth and wanting to lead a simple life, goes against everything we know of Zordon’s future. This is very much Zordon’s arc, even more so than it is about the new Green Ranger.

Artist Marco Renna continues to impress with super detailed backgrounds, characters and high kicking action. Seriously, Billy has MOVES in this issue.

Overall, Mighty Morphin Issue 3 is a fast paced issue that balances on the ground action with continued drama coming to a breaking point on a few different fronts.”


Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: In-Hyuk Lee
Legacy Cover: Eleonora Carlini
Price: $3.99

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COMIC PREVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 2

On Wednesday, December 16th, Power Rangers Issue 2 will be released from Boom Studios.

POWER RANGERS #2 – Two New Series. Two New Teams. The UNLIMITED POWER ERA continues as the Power Rangers betray Zordon! A new cosmic threat is here and the all-new Power Rangers team will put it all on the line to stop it, even if it means trusting their mortal enemy Lord Drakkon. But as the new threat launches its first offensive against the Power Rangers, the question remains – will Drakkon act as friend or foe? After all, Drakkon always has a plan…

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Do you remember the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy episode, ‘The Rescue Mission’? The one on a derelict ship that felt like the movie ‘Alien’ and less like a Power Rangers episode? Power Rangers Issue 2 feels exactly like that.

From the preview pages, you know something big is going down with Drakkon narrating and Jason seemingly in a pretty dire situation. I love stories that tease a future event and we see the actions leading up to it. The tension in this issue is very much like a horror movie. The story in this issue is NOT wrapped up by the end and is leading into a two-issue mini arc, both of which writer Ryan Parrott certainly teased in our last interview with him.

Each member of the Omega Rangers get their focus in this issue, including Drakkon, which feels more balanced than previous issues. This is another advantage of splitting the series, readers enjoy more focused interactions and story. And on the other side, writer Ryan Parrott is able to focus on Drakkon’s manipulations and their effects on the Omegas.

Artist Francesco Mortarino delivers with setting the feeling of a horror-based movie. With close-up shots, cramped quarters and extreme angles, the anxiety is palpable. This is enhanced with colors by Raúl Angulo using dark tones, contrasting shadows and a cooler color scheme.

With the Omegas going deeper into space as outlaws, issue two already feels like a rocky road for the team and Drakkon isn’t helping matters. I was already excited for this issue, and after reading it those feelings have already come back. There’s a cliffhanger, but I’m glad it’s only a month’s wait instead of two issues!”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Matteo Scalera
Legacy Cover: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Every Ranger Cover: Dan Mora
Price: $3.99

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COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 2

On Wednesday, December 9th, Mighty Morphin Issue 2 will be released from Boom Studios.

Two New Series. Two New Teams. The UNLIMITED POWER ERA continues as shocking secrets of The New Green Ranger are revealed! Zordon enlists Billy’s help as the Mighty Morphin team deals with a shocking betrayal by the Power Rangers team. As the Mighty Morphin team remains fractured, Zedd launches his latest attack – and only The New Green Ranger stands in his way. But none of them realize they’ve walked into a trap, courtesy of Zedd’s new powers!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

After the events of Power Rangers Issue 1, the Mighty Morphin’ team are left without Drakkon and a mystery on their on hands. Can their old friends be trusted? As seen in the preview, Mighty Morphin Issue 2 echoes the first issue in the series with a past look at 10,000 years ago and a discussion in the Command Center. Readers are treated into a peak into Eltar society with the Elders conferring with the new Supreme Guardian of Eltar, Zophram.

There is an interesting discussion about protecting the universe versus protecting one’s own homeworld. This calls back to the argument Tommy and Trini had last month in Power Rangers 1. The mention of Dark Specter alludes he was as much as a threat in Zordon’s past as he was as seen in Power Ranger in Space.

In the command center, Zordon commands that essentially a galactic all points bulletin be put out for the Omega Rangers. This has the potential to set up a ‘The Fugitive’ style story in the other series.

The rest of the issue, which we won’t spoil here, sets up another obstacle for the Mighty Morphin’ team and definitely more potential internal team conflict next month. The conversations earlier in the issue after the preview, definitely set up the sides. Were the Omega Rangers right to break Drakkon stop a larger threat? Could the Mighty Morphin team got the information from Drakkon a different way?

There’s a battle later on this issue which will signal a character’s true intentions on where they stand to the rest of the team, but only if they were paying attention. Aisha certainly has been paying attention lately…

Writer Ryan Parrott continues to weave an interconnected tale across both books. Even though the Omega Team is now off of Earth, the affects of their actions continue to reverberate in this issue. Honestly, this issue wouldn’t make sense without reading Power Rangers Issue 1, and vice versa. It’s definitely a reason to pick up both series, which for long time readers is not that big of an ask. For newer readers, it will take more work than they may realize if they missed the previous two series.

My one wish, especially for last month’s first issues would have been a recap or ‘Previously on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ for new readers who may be picking these up for the first time or have missed the past year or two since Shattered Grid.

Artist Marco Renna continues to impress with great character art and action. He carries the mantle from Shattered Grid and Necessary Evil artist Daniele Di Nicuolo with ease. New enemies (teased in the credits) are designed by Dan Mora, and I am glad that Dan is still involved with the franchise and is able to keep a consistent design style with Rangers and what he did on Go Go Power Rangers.

Overall, this issue continues to build the story and intrigue. The slower pace might be a little slow for those anxious to find out the identity of the New Green Ranger, but I think if you remain unspoiled it could pay off. Adam might be on to something…”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: In-Hyuk Lee
Legacy Cover: Eleonora Carlini
Every Ranger Connecting Cover: Dan Mora
Price: $3.99

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 170

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 as he talks all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Ranger Command releasing ANOTHER new episode on a Wednesday? Yup! It’s New Comic Book Day once again with the release of BOOM! Studios Power Rangers Issue 1.

Eric welcomes back writer Ryan Parrott to the show for a new interview to discuss the launch of both books, Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers.

For Mighty Morphin Issue 1, Ryan talks about Zordon’s past, writing a new side of Zordon, his favorite monster to date, Tommy’s sense of responsibility to the Green Ranger powers and the big reveal with Candice.

With Power Rangers Issue 1, Ryan talks about a sense of hope in seemingly dark times, a potential future story point for Jason’s Dad, expanding character moments with Jason and Rocky and more.

A big thanks to BOOM! Studios and Ryan Parrott for scheduling this interview. Enjoy!

This episode contains massive spoilers for Issues Mighty Morphin Issue 1 and Power Rangers 1, so please listen after you are able to read the comic.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 170 – “Ranger Command Interview – Ryan Parrott – The Beginning of Unlimited Power”



  • 0:00:00 – Introduction
  • 0:01:36 – Mighty Morphin Issue 1
  • 0:27:46 – Power Rangers Issue 1

Links mentioned in show:

COMIC REVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 1

On Wednesday, November 11th, Power Rangers Issue 1 will be released from Boom Studios. Last week we got the first look of the second launch in the “Unlimited Power” era of Power Rangers comics.

POWER RANGERS #1 reveals a new cosmic threat that only the original Power Rangers, now known as the Omega Rangers – Jason, Trini and Zack – can hope to defeat! But their secret weapon is… the villainous Lord Drakkon?! Zordon forbids the Omega Rangers from engaging Drakkon, so if they want to save the universe then they’ll have to go rogue – and go up against their Mighty Morphin allies.

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Following the launch of this past Wednesday’s Mighty Morphin Issue 1, the story continues in Power Rangers Issue 1. Think of the issues this month as a two-parter of the television show, kind of like a season premiere. While Issues 51-55 felt like a set up for this new arc, Mighty Morphin #1 and Power Rangers #1 are a launchpad for both series to take off in their own directions.

This particular issue sets the Omega Rangers on a quest that I don’t think will let them return to Earth anytime soon. The solicits make this point clear that they are on a forbidden path. Forbidden by whom? Zordon. Like Mighty Morphin #1, Zordon is an important part of the consequences going forward.

From the previews, readers should already know that there is a reunion between both teams as they discuss the Empyreal. The Omega Rangers are desperate for information, and it’s clear that Drakkon is the only lead.

There are some superb character moments in this issue. My favorite is a conversation that should have happened in the show between Jason and Rocky about what it means to be the Red Ranger. Members of both teams discuss the oncoming threat of the Empyreal and this sets up almost a division of viewpoints between the teams. Writer Ryan Parrott does a fantastic job giving every character a clear conviction in what they believe. Trini in particular is a standout character of this issue.

Out of the two issues this month, I enjoyed this one a bit more. Both issues are fantastic number ones, but Power Rangers sets up a conflict that won’t be resolved easily. After talking with Ryan on an upcoming interview with Ranger Command, I am excited for the direction the Omega Rangers can go. Like the universe itself, the possibilities are endless.

Artist Francesco Mortarino returns from the last arc Go Go Power Rangers. Seeing his art again feels like a comfy blanket. And his art just continually improves, you can feel the emotions in the conversations. There’s also an “action” scene towards the end that sets up the covert feel this series is going to take.

To sum it up, Power Rangers Issue 1 sets the Omega Rangers on a journey that will open up readers to the wider universe of show and comics. No longer are the Omega Rangers tied to a “main” book or event, this is their story. Omega now, Omega forever!”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Matteo Scalera
Legacy Cover: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Connecting Cover: Jung-Geun Yoon
Price: $4.99

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COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 1

On Wednesday, November 4th, Mighty Morphin Issue 1 will be released from Boom Studios. A couple of weeks ago we got the first look of this new era for Power Rangers comics.

A new Mighty Morphin team has assembled to take on the deadliest threats to Earth – but who is the All New Green Ranger by their side? The new Mighty Morphin team is on a collision course with an even deadlier Lord Zedd, who has a new mission and a new motivation – one that will change everything you thought you knew about our heroes! But even if the Mighty Morphin team can find a way to survive Zedd and their mysterious new enemies, they may discover the greatest threat to their future is the shocking secret of Zordon’s past! A new Mighty Morphin epic begins here, perfect for longtime fans and new readers alike.

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“A ‘new era’ of Power Rangers comics is finally here with the launch of two new titles this month, Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers. With the exciting grand entrance of a new Green Ranger, the finale of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Issue 55) left us with more questions than answers.

This month the mystery continues with a final page reveal that will leave fans stunned, albeit not the answer they may have wanted, but didn’t know they needed. You’ll definitely want to go back and reread some past moments featuring the characters involved. The clues found will let you know that this plot point has been in the works for awhile.

Before all of that, this issue starts off with a familiar story structure by writer Ryan Parrott, a flashback. Flashbacks at the beginning of every issue during his run of Go Go Power Rangers helped to inform the current story while giving readers insight into their favorite characters. In past solicits for future issues, we know that this new arc will focus more on Zordon and his past. There are some great personal moments for Zordon in this issue, showing emotions that we rarely saw from the character in the series. I welcome the return of this structure, echoing Parrott’s comments about slowing the book down in our last interview.

For the Rangers side, all of them have great moments discussing the mystery surrounding the new Green Ranger. As a reader, it’s fun to see them speculate and make comments about their friends, when we know otherwise. You can see where Ryan Parrott is setting up potential future conflict.

On the art side, Marco Renna’s clean style reminds me of Daniele di Nicuolo’s art from Shattered Grid and Necessary Evil. BOOM! Studios continues to get very talented artists that keep the visual continuity strong for Power Rangers. Art-wise this issue is a perfect mix of conversation and action to show off Renna’s skills going forward.

Overall, Mighty Morphin Issue 1 continues the mystery of the last arc and opens up the Power Rangers universe a little bit more. I am looking forward to upcoming conflicts and seeing more of the new Green Ranger.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: In-Hyuk Lee
Legacy Cover: Eleonora Carlini
Connecting Cover: Jung-Geun Yoon
Price: $4.99

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NEWS – BOOM! Studios Announces Exclusive Foil Variant Covers for Local Comic Shop Day 2020

BOOM! Studios Announces Exclusive Foil Variant Covers for Local Comic Shop Day 2020

Limited Edition items are available exclusively through participating comic book shops on Wednesday, November 25, 2020

LOS ANGELES, CA (October 23, 2020) – BOOM! Studios today unveiled the five exclusive full foil variant covers available on LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY 2020, taking place on Wednesday, November 25 at participating comics retailers. To find your participating local comic shop, visit

These five instantly collectible covers feature full foil treatments of the below hotly-anticipated issues from superstar artists:

  • Mighty Morphin #1 by Goñi Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
  • Power Rangers #1 by Peach Momoko (Spider-Man)
  • Dune: House Atreides #2 by artist JG Jones (Wanted)
  • Lumberjanes #75 by artist and series co-writer Kat Leyh (Snapdragon)
  • Something is Killing the Children #1, a very special reprint of the first issue of the Eisner-nominated phenomenon, by series artist Werther Dell’Edera (Briggs Land) with colors by Giovanna Niro (The Crow: Memento Mori).

LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY is an annual event that began in 2014, conceived and implemented by ComicsPRO, the only trade organization dedicated to the progress of direct market comic book retailers, to call attention to locally owned independent comic book specialty stores, celebrating their unique and vital role as the primary fire-starters of pop culture. Pop Culture begins in your Local Comic Shop!

For continuing news on LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY visit and for more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.

For more on Power Rangers, please visit and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 169

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 169

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan@ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

It’s Wednesday, which means it is New Comic Book Day! Wait… RCPH releasing on a Wednesday? Yes, we are releasing this episode on a special day – the release of BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Issue 55, the conclusion to the series before the split into two new ongoing titles next month.

This episode contains massive spoilers for Issues 51-55, so please listen after you are able to read the comic.

First, Eric and Zach continue our review of Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comics. We review the end of the MMPR series as well as discuss upcoming comics news.

Then, Eric welcomes back writer Ryan Parrott to the show for a new interview to discuss the appearance of the new Green Ranger, Easter eggs, the timeline of the comic and the show, and everything about issue 55 and beyond.

A big thanks to BOOM! Studios and Ryan Parrott for scheduling this interview. Enjoy!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 169 – “Ranger Merch Review – Boom Studios Power Rangers Comics Part 10 – The End of MMPR PLUS Ranger Command Interview with Ryan Parrott”



  • News – 0:03:00
  • Comics Review – 0:11:45
  • Interview with Ryan Parrott – 1:41:00

Links mentioned in show: