On Wednesday, February 10th, Mighty Morphin Issue 4 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown earlier this week.
The UNLIMITED POWER era continues with the answer to the question everyone’s asking – Who Is The New Green Ranger? And what is their shocking connection to the Mighty Morphin team? It’s the last page shocker that no fan can miss!
Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:
“This is it. The issue everyone has been waiting for. Whether you were spoiled by other sites of the identity of the New Green Ranger or have been patiently (or not so) waiting, this issue is still a must read. Of course we won’t spoil the surprise, but this isn’t the only reveal in this issue…
From the previews below, we continue to get a glimpse into the life of Zordon of Eltar when he was younger. Personally, I love this bit of lore dive into Zordon’s past and his emergence as a reluctant Guardian of Eltar. Much like the teenagers he will recruit ten thousand years later, Zordon does not see the potential in himself and it’s up to his mentor Supreme Guardian Zophram to guide him. Meanwhile, the Power Rangers are in a tough spot as Lord Zedd’s Putty Prime overwhelms the Thunder Megazord.
What happens in the rest of the issue will lead to some big revelations for both the Power Rangers themselves and readers. With so many developments happening, I expect future issues to deliver the consequences of past relationships to reward long term readers. If you haven’t participated in the now finished Kickstarter for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers hardcover collection, I highly suggest that newer readers pick up the softcover collections for both MMPR and Go Go Power Rangers.
Writer Ryan Parrott will definitely be drawing from past storylines and relationships between all of the Rangers. The Boom Studios Power Rangers universe has its own deep mythology five years into the comics. There is a lot to mine from, and right now Parrott is pulling from multiple story lines. Artist Marco Renna is still doing an amazing job with this book. I enjoy the way he adds details to the backgrounds and makes the action pop with dynamic perspective changes. Walter Baiamonte continues to rock as colorist, with most of the issue filled with vibrant colors from the daytime setting. Letterer Ed Dukeshire also is consistent with the entire line of Power Rangers comics and adds punch to big reveals.
Like I said, the reveal of the Green Ranger may not surprise everyone, but readers should focus on what this means for the future of these characters and their relationships. Once the Dragonzord is out of the bag, it can never be put back…”
- 616 Comics – Hal Laren
- 616 Comics – Bon Bernardo
- Rocket Punch Collectibles – Idan Knafo
- Comics Corp Promotions – Andres Labrada
- Two Twenty-One Comics – David Sanchez
- Hanahan Comics – John Gallagher
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: In-Hyuk Lee
Legacy Cover: Eleonora Carlini
Price: $3.99