RCPH Bolt Bites – January 2025

Welcome to Ranger Command Power Hour’s BOLT BITES article series! BOLT BITES is a semi-monthly to monthly summary of all the news happening for Power Rangers merchandise, fan works, entertainment and other news.

Have something Ranger news related that you found? Are you an artist looking to promote your work? Do you make Power Rangers content on YouTube or Twitch? Drop us a line at rangercommandpowerhour@gmail.com or on our social media channels.

And now onto January 2025’s BOLT BITES.


Today, January 25th, 2025, Ranger Command Power Hour celebrates the eleventh anniversary of the release of the first episode of the podcast.

I (Eric) just want to thank all of our listeners, supporters and friends of the show for sticking with the site and podcast, especially over the past couple of years. The back half of last year was incredibly draining and busy both personally and professionally. This affected the release of episodes of the podcast since family will always take first priority in my life.

The plan for the future remains the same as I’ve stated on social media and Patreon. Extra Episodes will end with Extra Episode 100 and newer episodes of the podcast will come out when they come out as time and news permits. Right now, the only new stories being told are from the comics, specifically the new series Power Rangers Prime from BOOM! Studios. Future podcast episodes will focus on the comics with interviews and discussions from the Ranger Command Comic Squadron.

Thanks again and here’s to the new year!

11th Anniversary Live Stream

Catch the 11th Anniversary live stream TONIGHT! Unboxing a set of hero props from Heritage Auctions Power Rangers auction.

SPD Emergency!

  • Power Rangers SPD celebrates its 20TH ANNIVERSARY this year! 2025 is also the year that the show takes place. While we aren’t fighting crime in a future time (wait, wrong show…), Executive Producer of SPD, Greg Aronowitz, is sharing daily behind the scenes images. Some of these have never been seen! Below is a gallery of just some of what has been shared so far. Don’t forget to follow Greg on Instagram for daily SPD updates!

A Serious Emergency…

  • A list of resources for those in the area and for those that wish to donate has been compiled by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.



  • You can now order the Super7 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ReAction Figure – Megazord (Lightning Glow) from Hasbro Pulse for $25. The product description reads, Inspired by the ‘90s TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, this 5.75” tall Megazord features a glow-in-the-dark colorway, complete with glow-in-the-dark Power Sword and Mammoth Shield accessories, and comes packed in collector-friendly window box packaging. This Lightning Glow Megazord ReAction Figure will light the way to a better Power Rangers collection— collect yours today!”
  • On January 17th, ahead of this past week’s London Toy Fair, Power Rangers and Playmates Toys teased the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition collection in a joint Instagram post.

    ⚡ IT’S MORPHIN TIME! ⚡Get ready for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers RE-IGNITION with a new morphinominal collection. Stay tuned for more… #powerrangers”

  • At London Toy Fair it was announced that Playmates Toys appointed Character Options to distribute Power Rangers in the UK & London. Character Options will begin its distribution of the toys from summer 2025. The new collection was first seen at London Toy Fair (no pictures were allowed) at the Character Options booth. This collection should be teased by Playmates during New York Toy Fair March 1st – 4th.


  • Upcoming: BOOM! Studios April 2025 solicits are out and includes covers for Power Rangers Prime issue #6 and an advanced look for June’s MMPR: Death Ranger Part One softcover collection.

  • Last month BOOM! Studios podcast, BOOM! Direct, interviewed Power Rangers Prime series writer Melissa Flores and series editor Allyson Gronowitz. Hosts Anthony Mauro and Adrian Lopez dove deep into the creation of Power Rangers Prime with Melissa and Allyson. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts, but here’s a link to the episode on Spotify.
  • Speaking of Allyson, November 27th, 2024 was her last day as an editor at BOOM! Studios. It is not known how far into Power Rangers Prime’s run she will be editor as issue three still listed her as editor. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors!


  • Renegade Game Studios has been teasing the final Kickstarter and expansion of the Heroes of the Grid game, Eternal Rangers. The Kickstarter will launch on January 28th at 10AM Pacific Time. You can sign up for the campaign on their Kickstarter Page. Below are some teases for figures and cards in the set:


  • Former Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai actor Hector David Jr. (Mike, Green Ranger) has plead guilty to battery charges after assaulting an elderly man last year. The sentencing for 180 days in jail was passed a couple of weeks ago. According to TMZ, the judge suspended 135 days of the sentence and HDJ is now only serving a mere 45 days in jail. The rest of the sentence includes two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, notes The Latin Times.

Thank you for reading this month’s Bolt Bites!

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 224

Originally recorded live on January 27th, 2024.

It’s time to Ranger Up with your hosts as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

We celebrate 10 YEARS of the podcast!

Eric is joined by Chris (@GeekWithChris), Chris Long (@clong83) and Mason (@MasonMerrell) to relive some great memories, talk about the future of the podcast and more.

In the news, we discuss GLAAD announcing nominees for the 35th Annual GLAAD Media Awards which includes Power Rangers Cosmic Fury and a bunch of upcoming 1/6th scale high quality Power Rangers figures.

Watch the unedited livestream here:

This is the edited podcast version.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 224 – “Ranger Command Power Hour 10th Anniversary Special”

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Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 210

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47, @secretrangerfan@ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

We celebrate 9 YEARS of the podcast doing what we do best… podcasting!

Von Cooper (@MrCooper92) drops by to discuss the latest news from Power Rangers Cosmic Fury regarding Amelia becoming the next Red Ranger, Black leaders in Power Rangers and the fandom.

In the news, we discuss GLAAD announcing nominees for the 34th Annual GLAAD Media Awards which includes Power Rangers Dino Fury, comics, Cosmic Fury suits, Once & Always 30th Anniversary trailer and more!

Watch the unedited livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ebjxr2RlM

This is the edited podcast version.

Dolphins go EEEEEEEEEEE!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 210 – “Ranger Command Power Hour 9th Anniversary Special”

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  • 0:00:00 – Today On and YouTube shout outs
  • 0:03:24 – Intro and Thanks for 9 years
  • 0:06:00 – Hype for 30 years of Power Rangers
  • 0:10:02 – Long running franchises and fandom / content creation burn out
  • 0:19:10 – NEWS – Power Rangers Dino Fury nominated for the 34th Annual GLAAD Media Awards
  • 0:22:44 – Power Rangers Comics News
  • 0:25:46 – Listener Question: Nightmere10
  • 0:29:10 – Power Rangers Cosmic Fury with Von Cooper – Black Leaders, Female Reds, and Fandom
  • 1:05:23 – Cosmic Fury Suits
  • 1:30:07 – Once & Always – 30th Anniversary Trailer
  • 1:44:26 – Lightning Collection Fanstream reveals

Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 194

Ranger Command 8th Anniversary

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47, @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

8 YEARS! We had a slightly drunk and very fun time celebrating with our listeners and friends for our 8th Anniversary YouTube live stream. (Watch the unedited livestream) This is the edited podcast version.

In the news, we discuss GLAAD announcing nominees for the 33rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards which includes Power Ranger Dino Fury, Chris Cocks (stop it) is Hasbro’s new CEO, and new Power Rangers comics for the month of January and comic solicitations for April 2022.

Then, we experiment in creating characters for the new Power Rangers Roleplaying Game from Renegade Games. How complicated is this system? Zach leads the charge to guide Eric and A.P. on their roleplaying journey. We also answer Ranger Nation listener submitted questions, Eric has a big announcement and more!

Do the Ranger Command!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 194 – “Ranger Command Power Hour – 8th Anniversary Special”

Audio Player


Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 174

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47, @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

7 YEARS! We had an amazing time celebrating with listeners on our 7th Anniversary YouTube live stream. (Watch the unedited livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iol9XJDMCIE)

In the news, we discuss Shout! Factory and Sentai DVDs (or lack thereof) and new Power Rangers comic solicitations for April 2021.

Then, we answer Ranger Nation listener submitted questions like: should we get Non-Transforming Megazords in scale with Lightning Collection Monsters line, how our podcast setup has changed over the years, our top interview guest wants, our top secondary crossover morphers, Power Rangers X Fortnite skins, what we appreciate about our fellow guest co-hosts, A “Marry, F, Kill” for Tommy, reflecting on the podcast’s impact and more!

Do the Ranger Command!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 174 – “Ranger Command Power Hour – 7th Anniversary Special”

Audio Player


Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 152

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 152

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47, @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Holy Zordon, 6 YEARS! The hosts celebrated with listeners on our Anniversary YouTube live stream. (Watch the unedited livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhpplu-F2GQ)

In the news, we discuss the formation of Bluefin Brands’ Team Rider Twitter account and their upcoming events at Toy Fair New York and the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2). Zach has the sudden realization that he can attend C2E2, so you can catch both him and Eric at the show!

Then, we answer Ranger Nation listener submitted questions like: the future of the podcast, favorite sixth/extra rangers, Lightning Collection wants, animated Power Rangers, Soul of the Dragon comic treatments for other teams, Beast Morphers season 2 and more!

Tune in for a lot of fun, robot voice technical difficulties and our deepest thanks for the support!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 152 – “Ranger Command Power Hour – 6th Anniversary Special”

Audio Player


Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 133

RCPH 5th Anniversary

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

5 YEARS! The hosts celebrated with listeners on our Anniversary YouTube live stream.

In the news, we discuss our thoughts on Battle for the Grid game from nWay Games, additional thoughts on the Anime L.A. arson fire, Power Rangers Beast Morphers new power up mode, the cast heading back to film season 2, Jackie Scislowski featured in a local Chicago newspaper, Megazord car shades and MMPR on DVD… again.

Then, we answer Ranger Nation listener submitted questions like: is Power Rangers a “dead brand”, our favorite RCPH episodes, surprises of the podcast, our “we made it” moments, interview wants, sentai adaptations, the comics and more!

Tune in for a bunch of laughs, technical difficulties and our deepest thanks for the support all these years.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 133 – “Ranger Command Power Hour 5th Anniversary Special

Audio Player


View the uncensored, unedited live stream with chat archive here:

Links mentioned in show:

SITE NEWS – Ranger Command Turns 5!

Five years ago today, Ranger Command Power Hour launched the first episode of the podcast.

When A.P., Zach and myself released the first episode, we couldn’t imagine what type of response we would get or how the podcast would be received. Since 2014 we’ve recorded, edited and produced over 224 hours of audio content. That’s over 9 days.

Yes, it’s a lot of hard work… sleepless Fridays, technical difficulties and sometimes a bit of frustration. Hearing comments from our friends, listeners and supporters makes it all worth it. To hear that you listen to us on the go; through commutes, jogs, work days and cleaning your house – it’s why we keep going.

I want to thank my co-hosts, my patient and supporting wife, my friends who have been guest co-hosts, actors and those involved on the Power Rangers brand that took the time our of their schedules to be on our podcast. And for the reasons I stated above, to anyone who has listened to the show. From long time listeners to people just discovering our show – you are amazing.

As Power Rangers enters a new era with Hasbro, we will continue to give you the show you want to listen to. Your feedback is important to us – we have a listener survey, contact form and we always respond on social media. Topic ideas, Questions from Ranger Nation, Answers from Ranger Nation – they help us in making the show what it is.

If you like the show, please consider giving us a review on iTunes or PodChaser. These really help us in letting other people decide if they want to listen. We also have a Patreon, but I think we plugged that enough in Episode 132 to last the next decade…

On Saturday, we release the edited version of our 5th Anniversary Livestream (Episode 133). I plan to include a couple of bonus audio clips and edit it like I do with every episode. On Sunday we are going to release another Extra Episode.

So… once again, thank you. Here’s to the future!

Eric Berry (@trekkieb47)
Host, Producer, Editor

Ranger Command Turns 5

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 109

RCPH 4th Anniversary banner

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

4 years! Hosts Eric, A.P. and Zach hosted a live 4th Anniversary special episode on YouTube with listeners who joined in. First, we discussed the news such as the upcoming Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel season, Talkin’ Toku, Legacy Wars, SHATTERED GRID, KyuuKyuu Sentai GoGoV upcoming DVD release from Shout! Factory and HYPERFORCE.

Then we answered your questions. Find out: the history of Ranger Command, our future podcast plans, how we have changed as a fandom over the years, how fandom keeps Power Rangers relevant, our favorite toy releases, the deal on interviews, our Anniversary Dream Team of Power Rangers, and more!

We really appreciate all of our listeners for making the past for years something special. Cheers to the 25th Anniversary of Power Rangers and the 4th of RCPH!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 109 – “RCPH 4th Anniversary Special

Audio Player


Links mentioned in show:

4th Anniversary

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 085

RCPH 3rd Anniversary

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Ranger Command Power Hour is celebrating our 3rd anniversary! We are joined by special guest co-hosts Chris  (@TokuChris) and Tom (@SoulInkChu) from Tokunation and the new Talkin’ Toku YouTube channel and Matt aka Dukemon (@TheRealMattHunt)!

We discuss the news, including: the first eight episode titles and descriptions for Power Rangers Ninja Steel, MEOWER RANGERS and Shout! Factory releasing Gekisou Sentai Carranger to DVD.

Then, we discuss some of our favorite moments of the past year and YOURS in our Ranger Nation Answers segment. Finally, we get some Questions from Ranger Nation which include our favorite fights, using Kamen Rider for a Power Rangers adaptation, live action Boom! Studios MMPR, cons we’ll be attending and more!

Thanks to EVERYONE for listening to our show. Feel the Steel!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 085 – RCPH 3rd Anniversary Special

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Links mentioned in the episode:

RCPH 3rd Anniversary