News – Power Morphicon 2018 – Date, New Location and First Guest Announcement

Power Morphicon 2018

On the heels of San Diego Comic Con, Power Morphicon 2018 has made its first announcements for THE official Power Rangers convention!

This will be the sixth convention of PMC since 2007, The next Power Morphicon will be held August 17-19, 2018 at their new location at the Anaheim Convention Center. With the new convention space comes more space and more options for hotel packages.

Registration for the convention begins August 1st, 2017. At registration you can pre-order an Exclusive Power Rangers Legacy Action Figure! Details will be announced closer to the registration open date.

Finally, the first guest announcement is none other than Jason David Frank (the original Green Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger). He will make his one day appearance on Saturday!

Will we see you there? Check out our past PMC Survival Guide episode!

Source: Official Power Morphicon

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 095

Phoenix Comicon

It’s time to Ranger Up with your hosts as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Today, Eric is joined by Eric Dewey (@ericjdewey) of the Four Eyed Radio Network, to discuss Phoenix Comicon and convention safety.

On May 25th, Police arrested Matthew Sterling at the Phoenix Convention Center after he made it into the event with multiple weapons, including three guns and a knife. The suspect was allegedly targeting Jason David Frank, the actor who played the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.

The two Eric’s discuss what happened at Phoenix Comic Con and what this event means for the future of convention safety.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 095 – “Rangers Discuss Phoenix Comic Con and Convention Safety”

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Phoenix Comicon

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 094

Funko Pop

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In Episode 94, Eric, Zach and A.P. discuss original Red Ranger actor Austin St. John going into the business of Funko Pop selling and personalized autographs. Our discussion morphs into talking about the greater convention scene, actor’s pricing for convention merchandise and more.

We also cover the latest Power Rangers news including Power Rangers is the number one selling action figure brand (in the U.K.), an update on the Home Media release of the Power Rangers Movie, Lionsgate events coming to California, the first details of the 25th Anniversary plans for Power Rangers and the passing of Tatsuya Nomi, Shishiranger in Gosei Sentai Dairanger.

That bubble will POP.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 094 – “Rangers POP!”

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Links mentioned in show:

Funko Pop

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 027

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In April’s extra episode, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, Zach and Eric discuss their time at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) with some Power Rangers surprises. They also talk about the latest news in the fandom, including: The original Power Rangers Movie in HD, Upcoming DVD releases, and Boom! Studios new “Go Go Power Rangers” series.

Listen to us on the shuttle bus!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 027 : “Ranger Con Coverage – C2E2 2017 and Ranger News”

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 076

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 076

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

The hiatus is OVER and Eric and Zach are joined by Kevin (@ZeoRed93), Kenn (@TheKennGlenn) and Doug (@dougwatchin) as we review Power Rangers Dino Super Charge episode 9, “Besties 4Eva”, and Episode 10, “Gone Fishin'”. Was Besties one of the best filler episodes or were the writers too busy fishin’? We then read your thoughts of these episodes on our Ranger Nation Answers segment.

The crew also tackles the latest news including an update on “Power Rangers: The Ultimate Visual History” book, Power Rangers celebrating 23 years, Jason David Frank in a new project, Legacy Figure speculation and Power Rangers spin off ideas.

Throw some capes on it!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 76: “Rangers Review – Back from Hiatus PRDSC #9-10”

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Dino Super Charge Episode 10

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 072

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 072

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Join us for a Power Morphicon 5 Survival Guide. With Power Morphicon only a month away, we give you the low down on what to expect at the convention and VITAL tips of every aspect of the con going experience. If you are a seasoned convention pro or a first time con goer, this episode is a must listen.

We also discuss the latest news like Bryan Cranston being announced to play Zordon in the new Saban’s Power Rangers movie, San Diego Comic Con exclusives from Bandai, the Power Rangers Ultimate Visual History book, new Legacy figure images and more!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 72: “Power Morphicon 5 Survival Guide” 

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 064

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 064

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Once again Eric travels to Lexington, Kentucky for the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention, this time with co-host Zach in tow. They discuss their favorite moments of the convention, their con hauls and more. Then, we give you the very best highlights of the Lex Con Power Rangers panels!

We also discuss the news such as Power Morphicon guest announcements, the new Power Rangers movie news and Ninja Steel casting sides.

Below we have included timestamps to make it easier to listen to a specific panel’s highlights.

VR Troopers Mike Hollander – 00:25:00
Jason David Frank Panel – 00:58:15
Johnny Yong Bosch Q&A – 1:20:30
Power Rangers Time Force Panel – 1:47:47
The Ritas Q&A – 2:24:08

For full panels, please visit Lex Con’s official Youtube channel.

Special thanks to the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention for providing us with Press access for the weekend.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 64: “Ranger Command at Lex Con 2016”

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Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 014

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 014

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In February’s extra episode, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we talk about being a newcomer to a fandom and fandoms in general with Zach’s friend Steve. We discuss the news such as Rick Medina Jr.‘s bail hearing, Power Morphicon guests, Boom! Studio‘s announcement of the Pink Ranger mini series, and wrong K-Mart toy listings. Then we talk about what fandom means to us, impressions of Power Ranger’s fans, thoughts about the upcoming movie and the one time return of JDF Watch.

Finally, we read your Ranger Nation Answers about what fandom means to you with some VERY insightful and truthful answers.

It’s Fandom time!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 014 : “Ranger Life: I’m a Fandom Outsider”

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Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 009

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 009

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In September’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we assemble the MMPR Movie Reboot Roundtable with Chris aka Kickback (@TokuChris), R.J., and Lee of The Monkie Grid (@MonkieRanger) to talk about the newest casting sides for the movie… and badly act them out.

We also talk about the latest news in the fandom like the final Power Rangers Dino Charge episode titles, the latest Legacy items found by Morphin’ Legacy and New York Comic Con‘s exclusive Power Rangers vinyl. Then we answer your questions in our Questions from Ranger Nation segment and we read your thoughts on the reboot
casting sides.

It’s time to drop the bull$@#%!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 009 : “Ranger Roundtable – MMPR Reboot Casting Sides” 

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 050

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 050

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

On this episode, we celebrate 50 (regular) episodes by doing what we do best, a normal episode.

We discuss the final Power Rangers Dino Charge confirmed episode titles, the 2nd WeLoveFine Power Rangers Design contest, and review Episode 10 of Dino Charge, “The Royal Rangers”.

Then we answer what most attracts us to the Power Rangers Franchise, a final thought on SPOILERS and we read your answers to our question of which PR anniversary/milestone episode was your favorite.

Finally, we have a headache about cosplay and body shaming, then lighten things up with bloopers!

Thanks again for listening to us and here’s to 50 more!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 50: “Rangers Normal Episode”

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