NEWS – Power Rangers X Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lightning Collection Morphed April and Morphed Michelangelo

Power Month, originally announced during the July 2nd Fan First Friday, officially kicked off on August 2nd with the first of many product reveals. Coming straight from the pages of BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover in 2019/2020, the second set includes Michelangelo morphing into the Yellow Ranger and April O’Neil morphing into the Pink Ranger.

This is a Fan Channel product – meaning it can be found at GameStop, Entertainment Earth, Big Bad Toy Store and Hasbro Pulse. Below is the description and promo images for this set! Stay tuned because this won’t be the last crossover set to be revealed!

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $52.99 /Available: Spring 2022)

COWABUNGA DUDES, DUDETTES, AND DUDERINOS… In the Boom! Comics crossover miniseries, the teens from Angel Grove are cut off from their powers, and Michelangelo and April use the Rangers’ morphers to become the new Yellow and Pink Rangers. This MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS X TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES LIGHTNING COLLECTION MORPHED MICHELANGELO YELLOW RANGER AND APRIL O’NEIL PINK RANGER Collab 2-Pack features action figures with premium paint and decorative details inspired by the Boom! Comics crossover miniseries, with over 20 points of articulation in each figure for high poseability. Plus, swappable heads to display the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and April with Ranger helmet or without (it’s turtle time!). This bodacious 2-pack also includes multiple character-inspired collab accessories, like Mikey’s nunchuks merged with the Yellow Ranger Power Daggers, a Power Bow, camera, mic, and blast effect pieces, along with an extra pairs of hands for more ways to play or display.

Includes: 2 figures, 8 accessories, extra heads, and extra hands.

Look for more collectible figures in the Lightning Collection. Each sold separately. Subject to availability.

NEWS – Power Rangers X Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Lightning Collection Morphed Donatello and Morphed Leonardo

Power Month, originally announced during the July 2nd Fan First Friday, officially kicked off on August 2nd with the first of many product reveals. Coming straight from the pages of BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover in 2019/2020, the first set includes Leonardo morphing into the Blue Ranger and Donatello morphing into the Black Ranger.

This is a Fan Channel product – meaning it can be found at Gamestop, Entertainment Earth, Big Bad Toy Store and Hasbro Pulse (currently sold out there). Below is the description and promo images for this set! Stay tuned because this won’t be the last crossover set to be revealed!

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $52.99 /Available: Spring 2022)

COWABUNGA DUDES, DUDETTES, AND DUDERINOS… IT’S MORPHIN TIME! In the Boom! Comics crossover miniseries, the teens from Angel Grove are cut off from their powers, and Donatello and Leonardo use the Rangers’ morphers to become the new Black and Blue Rangers. This MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS X TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 6” LIGHTNING COLLECTION MORPHED DONATELLO BLACK RANGER AND LEONARDO BLUE RANGER Collab 2-Pack features action figures with premium paint and decorative details inspired by the Boom! Comics crossover miniseries, with over 20 points of articulation in each figure for high poseability. Plus, swappable heads to display the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Ranger helmet or without (it’s turtle time!). This bodacious 2-pack also includes multiple character-inspired collab accessories, like Donnie’s staff merged with the Black Ranger Power Axe, Leo’s katana merged with the Blue Ranger’s Power Lance, and blast effect pieces, along with an extra pairs of hands for more ways to play or display.

Includes: 2 figures, 5 accessories, extra heads, and extra hands.

Look for more collectible figures in the Lightning Collection. Each sold separately. Subject to availability.

COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 5

On Wednesday, June 17th, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 5 will be released from Boom Studios. Below you will find a preview of the issue as well as the main cover and variants.

It’s the ultimate showdown between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, up against the joint forces of Rita Repulsa and Shredder! Cowabunga!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“MMPR / TMNT Issue 5 drops almost three months to the day of the previous issue. With everything happening in the world, comics are now more than ever an escape. The entire run of this series has been fun, full of energy and completely nostalgic. With new Megazord designs, Turtle Rangers and Ninja Rangers, this miniseries has felt like emptying a 90’s toybox and playing with the actions figures.

The art really shines in the issue, with a bright daytime setting in Central Park for the Megazord fight. It is a stark contrast to previous issues set at night and in the dark recesses of the Technodrome. This highlights the artwork of Simone di Meo, which we think is his best work to date for Power Rangers. Colorist Walter Baiamonte uses a very warm color scheme for most of the issue. The action pops on each panel.

Overall, this final issue is a great send off for both teams. The Turtles and Rangers work really well together, highlighting the lessons both properties teach: teamwork and friendship.

There is room for a sequel with something that happens in this issue that we won’t spoil. We hope that Ryan Parrott gets a chance to followup on this miniseries. You can tell he had a ton of fun writing it, ending on an upbeat moment for both teams. This is highly recommended!”

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NEWS – BOOM! Studios Announces New Dates for Power Rangers comics and more

Boom! Studios

With comic retailers being closed for over a month or more, many in Ranger Nation have been anxiously awaiting news for when BOOM! Studios would resume their comics release. We now have news of their release schedule through the end of June 2020.

For Power Rangers, the schedule is as follows:


  • Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #31
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 11 SC


  • Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #32 (Series Finale)


  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 (Miniseries Finale)


  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #50 (Conclusion to Necessary Evil)

Last month BOOM! Studios announced their Retailer Support Program. Additionally, last week they sent a message of support to retailers with their Day One messaging. Now, their is a new commitment to retailers with a New Day One Retailer Support Services Program. Details are at the link, but Ranger Nation can expect new exclusive covers for Power Rangers comics and other incentives for BOOM! Studios titles.

Catch up with our Ranger Merch Reviews for the BOOM! Studios Power Rangers comics by listening to our review episodes.

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 061

Power Rangers in Space Shell Shocked

It’s time to Ranger Up with your hosts as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our Extra Episode for March 2020, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, Eric gets Certified Turtlefied with Doug (@ickybooley) and first time guest co-host Chris (aka Void Ranger @OGMachinations) for Power Rangers in Space, “Shell Shocked!”!

With the Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles currently crossing over in the comics, we comment on one of the most infamous and gifable episodes in all of Power Rangers!

We also discuss the latest news, including Power Rangers Beast Morphers season 2 episode updates, Rise of the Psycho Rangers announcement, comics news and more!

Heroes in a half shell, Ranger Power!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 061 – “Rangers Commentary –  Shell Shocked”

Audio Player


Links mentioned in show:

COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 4

On Wednesday, March 18th, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 4 will be released from Boom Studios. Below you will find a preview of the issue as well as the main cover and variants.

It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as you’ve never seen them before vs Shredder! No, really. Just imagine the coolest thing we could do and, yeah, we’re doing it.

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Turtle Rangers and Ninja Rangers… YES! It’s finally happening and it is what all of us have waited for. Well, everything I have waited for at least. The Ranger teens get a chance to take a more stealthy approach with Casey Jones to help rescue Tommy from another classic Turtles villain. The Turtles on the other foot, get to live out a typical full day in the life of the Power Rangers.

There were plenty of moments to love in this issue. A great speech is delivered early in the issue by Splinter that is definitely inspired by Zordon, but with the more fatherly approach Splinter typically takes with the Turtles. My only problem was the synopsis being a bit misleading, but I attribute that more to a marketing move than the writing.

The last issue comes out next month and issue four does a lot to set up a massive showdown finale. There is quite a bit to wrap up, but I’m confident that the landing will stick. Powerbunga!”

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NEWS – First Look At The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Morphing Into Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Your First Look at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 From BOOM! Studios

Jump into the Fight Between the Teens with Attitude and Half-Shell Heroes in March 2020.

LOS ANGELES, CA (March 5, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. and in partnership with IDW and Nickelodeon, today revealed a first look at MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4, the latest issue of an all-new five-issue limited series event! Written by Ryan Parrott (Power Rangers: Necessary Evil), illustrated by Simone di Meo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Venom Annual), colored by Walter Baiamonte (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), and lettered by Ed Dukeshire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in March 2020.

It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as you’ve never seen them before vs Green Ranger Shredder! Will both teams be enough to stop the head of the Foot Clan as he wields the awesome power of the Dragon Shield and the Morphin Grid for evil? And what’s Rita Repulsa up to as the mighty battle rages on?

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4 (OF 5) features a main cover by Dan Mora (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once & Future), with Turtle Ranger Helmet variant covers by Goñi Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and more!

Print copies of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4 will be available on March 18, 2020 at local comic book shops (use to find the one nearest you), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.

Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, SABAN’S GO GO POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios, including original graphic novels such as the upcoming Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path, are available everywhere books are sold.

IDW’s extensive library of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic novels – new stories tied into the Rise of the TMNT cartoon, remastered Eastman & Laird classics, IDW’s critically-acclaimed ongoing saga (now approaching its landmark 100th issue and available as the TMNT: The IDW Collection), and more – are available now at comic book shops and booksellers everywhere.

For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.

For more on Power Rangers, please visit and follow Power Rangers on YouTubeFacebookTwitter and Instagram.

For more on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, please follow the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Also, for the latest TMNT comic book news, visit and follow @IDWpublishing on Twitter.

TM & (c) 2019 SCG Power Rangers and Hasbro.

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NEWS – First Appearance of the Ninja Rangers & Turtle Rangers in MMPR / TMNT Issue 4

First Appearance of the Ninja Rangers & Turtle Rangers in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4

Discover a First Look at the Ninja Turtles as Power Rangers in March 2020

LOS ANGELES, CA (February 22, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. and in partnership with IDW and Nickelodeon, is proud to reveal artist Simone di Meo’s character designs for Zack, Kimberly, Jason, Trini, and Billy as Ninja Rangers and Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo, and April O’Neil as Power Rangers in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4, the latest issue of the highly acclaimed all-new five-issue limited series event!

Turtle Rangers

Written by Ryan Parrott (Power Rangers: Necessary Evil), illustrated by Simone di Meo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Venom Annual), colored by Walter Baiamonte (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), and lettered by Ed Dukeshire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fight – and team up with – the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as you’ve never seen them before vs Green Ranger Shredder! Will both teams be enough to stop the head of the Foot Clan as he wields the awesome power of the Dragon Shield and the Morphin Grid for evil? And what’s Rita Repulsa up to as the mighty battle rages on?

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4 (OF 5) features a main cover by Dan Mora (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once & Future), with Turtle Ranger Helmet variant covers by Goñi Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and more!

Print copies of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #4 will be available at local comic book shops on March 18, 2020 at local comic book shops (use to find the one nearest you) or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.

Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, SABAN’S GO GO POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios, including original graphic novels such as the upcoming Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path, are available everywhere books are sold.

IDW’s extensive library of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic novels – new stories tied into the Rise of the TMNT cartoon, remastered Eastman & Laird classics, IDW’s critically-acclaimed ongoing saga (now approaching its landmark 100th issue and available as the TMNT: The IDW Collection), and more – are available now at comic book shops and booksellers everywhere.

For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.

For more on Saban’s Power Rangers, please visit and follow Power Rangers on YouTubeFacebookTwitter and Instagram.

For more on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, please follow the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Also, for the latest TMNT comic book news, visit and follow @IDWpublishing on Twitter.

TM & (c) 2020 SCG Power Rangers and Hasbro.

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COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 3

On Wednesday, February 5th,  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 3 will be released from Boom Studios. Below you will find a preview of the issue as well as the main cover and variants.

Rita Repulsa faces off against Shredder for control of the weapon that will change the Power Rangers forever! No matter who wins, the world will never be the same! As the two villains battle, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers must find a way to storm the Foot Clan base to save Tommy, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles step up to help their new allies in an unexpected way.

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Continuing the cliffhanger from Issue 2, Shredder in his new Green Ranger armor faces off against Rita Repulsa. Rita wants the Dragon Coin returned to her, accusing Shredder of corrupting its power. And that’s only the first couple pages of this issue.

Issue three is a solid mid point for this 5-issue miniseries. The teams are formed for both good and evil in a natural way, with motivations that make sense. The issue also reveals more depth to the early childhood of Tommy Oliver, something the show rarely touched on.

“More depth” has been the recurring highlight of BOOM! Studios entire run of Power Rangers comics, exploring the lives of the teenagers with attitude outside of what viewers have seen in the show. While some may argue there is too much focus on Tommy, I think that is a disservice to all the writing that has been devoted to other characters in the comics.

For this crossover, we also discover more about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, already adding to the more than 30 years fans have grown up with them.

I won’t give away the ending, but it cements how much fun this miniseries is, playing with concepts we could only dream of as children. If you’re not reading this issue, be sure to pick it up along with the reprints for Issues 1 and 2 that release on the same day!”

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COMICS PREVIEW – Power Rangers Solicitations for April 2020

Boom! Studios

Today we received the advanced solicitations for Boom! Studios Power Rangers comics coming out in the month of April 2020.

There are slight spoilers below, so be warned!

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