NEWS – Robert “RJ” James joins Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Season 3 Out Now

Battle For The Grid Season 3 Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Now Playable in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the fan-favorite fighting game from developer nWay, in partnership with Hasbro and Lionsgate, today announced the release of its first character for Season 3: Robert “RJ” James, also known as Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger.

Players can digitally purchase the new character on PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, Steam or Stadia for $5.99 or the full Season 3 Pass for $14.99, which includes RJ and two additional new characters, along with a bonus character skin that is exclusive to the Season Pass. With the exception of the additional Season 3 characters that will be available in the coming months, most of Season 3’s content — both paid and free — are available today.

Available Today:

  • New Character: Robert “RJ” James, Jungle Fury Purple Ranger ($5.99) – Courageous as a wolf, Robert “RJ” James joins as the Jungle Fury Rangers’ mentor before revealing that he is the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger. Originally trained under his father, Master Finn, RJ rejected the Shark Style and instead adopted the wolf spirit for combat. When he is not fighting alongside the Rangers, he runs the Jungle Karma Pizza parlor that also acts as their headquarters.RJ, as the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, embodies the Wolf Animal Spirit. His fighting style derives primarily from the traditional Muay Thai style, clearly expressed through his barrage of elbow-and-knees-based attacks. As a momentum-based melee fighter, RJ overwhelms his foes with an oppressive litany of strikes, inevitably breaking their defenses.

Robert "RJ" James

  • New Character Skin: Phantom Beast King skin for Dai Shi (Free with Purchase of Season 3 Pass) – When Jellica freed the Phantom Beast Generals, they turned on her before using their powers to make Dai Shi the Phantom Beast King. With the Phantom Beast Generals and his new power, Dai Shi was able to defeat the Rangers time after time until finally, Jarrod was able to break through Dai Shi’s control and weaken him enough that the protectors were able to destroy the evil spirit once and for all. This skin is exclusive to Season 3 Pass.

  • New Ultra (Free): Samurai Megazord – We are united! Call up the power of the Samurai Megazord to assist your team in battle.

  • Megazord Revamp (Free): Megazord Ultra activation conditions have been revamped. Instead of requiring at least one character to be knocked out, you can now activate your Ultra based on the consumption of the Megazord Revenge Meter.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid pits current and classic Power Rangers and villains from the multiverse’s over 25 year history against one another in epic 3v3 tag team battles. The controls promote simplicity and fluidity, enabling beginners to enjoy the combat system and encouraging advanced players to delve into its gameplay mechanics, which include real-time assist takeover, dynamic defense through push blocking and aerial guard, customizable juggle combos, and a unique Megazord comeback mode. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid supports full crossplay across PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. More information is at

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NEWS – Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Announces the Upcoming Release of Season 3

Battle For The Grid Season 3 Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Announces the Upcoming Release of Season 3

Popular Fighting Game Will Add Robert “RJ” James, Lauren Shiba, and a To-Be-Revealed Fan Favorite Character to Warrior Roster

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the crossplay fighting game for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC from developer nWay in partnership with Hasbro and Lionsgate, today announced the release of Season 3, providing players with three new fan favorite warriors, including Robert “RJ” James, Lauren Shiba, and a to-be-revealed third character. 

Battle For The Grid Season 3

Season 3 Content

Season 3 features a mix of free and paid add-on content:

Three New Characters:

  • Robert “RJ” James, Jungle Fury Purple Ranger – Originally trained under his father, Master Finn, RJ rejected the Shark Style and adopted the wolf spirit instead.
  • Lauren Shiba, Super Samurai Red Ranger – Spending her life to master the sealing symbol, Lauren’s singular goal was to return and lead the Samurai Rangers.
  • To-Be-Revealed Third Character

New Character Skin:

  • Phantom Beast King skin for Dai Shi – With his new power and the Phantom Beast Generals, Dai Shi was finally able to defeat the Rangers.

New Ultra (Free):

  • Samurai Megazord – We are united! Call up the power of the Samurai Megazord to assist your team in battle.

Megazord Revamp (Free):

  • Megazord Ultra activation conditions have been revamped. Instead of requiring at least one character to be knocked out, you can now activate your Ultra based on the consumption of the Megazord Revenge Meter.

Watch Season 3 reveal video on YouTube.

Players can digitally purchase on PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, or Steam each individual Season 3 character for $5.99 or the full Season 3 Pass for $14.99, which includes all three characters along with the bonus character skin that is exclusive to the Season Pass. New Season 3 content will be rolled out over several months. The first release, which will be available towards the end of next month, will include RJ, Dai Shi skin, Samurai Megazord, and the Megazord Revamp. Follow Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) for announcements on additional Season 3 content release dates.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid pits current and classic Power Rangers and villains from the multiverse’s over 25 year history against one another in epic 3v3 tag team battles. The controls promote simplicity and fluidity, enabling beginners to enjoy the combat system and encouraging advanced players to delve into its gameplay mechanics, which include real-time assist takeover, dynamic defense through push blocking and aerial guard, customizable juggle combos, and a unique Megazord comeback mode. More information is at

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 058

Stuck on Christmas

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our final episode of the year, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, Eric and Zach get stuck in a Megazord this Holiday season Power Rangers Super Samurai‘s “Stuck on Christmas”.

We also discuss the latest news, including the Toy of the Year Awards with the nomination of the Beast-X Ultrazord figure. After our commentary, we discuss video games before the Video Game Awards.

Thank you for listening to Ranger Command Power Hour for our fifth year as a podcast. To the new listeners or those that have been listening from the beginning, we couldn’t do this without your support. Have a safe and joyous holiday!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 058 – “Rangers Commentary –  Stuck on Christmas”


Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 049

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our third Secret Ranger Fan’s Super Subtext Slam Session, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, Eric, A.P. and Zach watch Power Rangers Samurai “Unexpected Arrival”. Who is the mysterious and creepy visitor to wherever the Nighlok they live?

We also discuss the latest news including Beast Morphers Wave 1 toys found in Canada, MMPR: The Movie coming to a standalone Blu-ray release this summer and the synopsis for PRBM Episode Four – “Digital Deception”.

Then, we answer a Question from Ranger Nation: Are the Lightning Collection figures a suitable replacement for MMPR Figuarts? Finally, we tease an upcoming interview that no one in Power Rangers podcasting has ever achieved.

It’s going to be Golden…

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 049 – “Rangers Commentary – Secret Ranger Fan’s Super Subtext Slam Session – Unexpected Arrival”


Links mentioned in show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 018

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 018

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In June’s extra episode, brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we discuss Power Rangers BATTLIZERS with one of our Patrons, Kevin (@kevinmroland1)

From In Space to Dino Super Charge, we talk about every Battlizer (and Mega Battle) in the franchise’s history. What are the Super Sentai origins? Which Battlizers shone brightly? And which ones had Dragon Yo-yos? In the news, we discuss the latest guest announcements for Power Morphicon. Finally, in our Ranger Nation Answers segment, we read your comments on favorite (and least favorite) Battlizers!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 018 : “Rangers Talk Battlizers with Patron Kevin”



Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 008

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 008

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In August’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we are joined by frequent co-host of the show Chris aka Kickback (@rankal) and talk about ALL of the Power Rangers Theme Songs throughout the years. We commemorate 22 years of the franchise through the music the show has given us. From Ron Wasserman to Noam Kaniel, we discuss the best and the worst theme songs.

We also talk about the latest news in the fandom like Jason David Frank on Chicago’s WGN Radio, an updated Power Rangers Dino Charge schedule, and the Power Rangers Museum at the Dubai Mall!

Go Go Power Rangers, don’t you ever stop!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 008 : “Ranger Theme Songs” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Summer of Nostalgia 2 Twitter Contest! – CLOSED

CONTEST IS CLOSED! Thanks to all who entered. Congrats to our winner @PittsburghGamer

Our Summer of Nostalgia Twitter contest is back!

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Power Rangers Unite Now Available!

Power Rangers Unite BannerA week ago we told you about the Power Rangers: Unite! mobile game beta access. Thanks to beta feedback from Ranger Nation and the Power Force, you can now play the full game!  

Go to to download Power Rangers: Unite in the iTunes App store. Android support is coming soon!

A special thanks to Saban Brands and Funtactix for giving Power Force members the first look at the game!

 screen568x568 (4)

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Power Rangers: Unite! Beta Access

Power Rangers Unite BannerA few months ago we told you about the new Power Rangers: Unite! mobile game.

Now you can sign up for the beta thanks to Saban Brands and Funtactix. 

Power Force members were given beta access before the general public, and I (@trekkieb47) can tell you it is a REALLY fun game!

Beta Graphic

Ranger Command Anniversary Contest – CLOSED

RCPH Anniversary Contest Banner

CONTEST IS CLOSED. Thanks to all who participated!

We are hosting an epic contest for our one year Anniversary on January 25th!

It’s been a fantastic year thanks to our wonderful listeners, so we want to give back. There are 5 prize packs available to win. Details below:


Super Mega Anniversary Prize Pack: Super Megaforce Legendary Morpher, 2 MMPR Key Packs, 9 extra ranger keys, Power Rangers Zeo Vol. 1 DVD, Super Megaforce Vol. 1 Earth Fights Back DVD, XL MMPR Red Ranger t-shirt, Papercutz MMPR Comic #1, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce and Dino Charge metal pins, 2 Power Rangers Promotional postcards. Winner – @PED_IV

Dino Charged Up Prize Pack: 5 Dino Charger Power Packs, 2 Henshin Vault Dino Charge metal pins, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @orangeranger198

Mystic Samurai Prize Pack: Mystic Force Vol. 1-3 DVDs, Mystic Force Dark Wish DVD, Mystic Force Ranger Key Pack, Samurai Vol. 1-2 DVD, Power Rangers Super Samurai Vol. 1-2 DVD, Power Rangers Samurai Christmas and Halloween specials DVDs, Red Samurai Ranger Key, 2 Power Rangers Promotional postcards. Winner – @jefferyhusk91

Jungle Emergency Prize Pack: SPD Ranger Key Pack, Dekaranger Deka Red soft vinyl figure, MMPR Red and Super Megaforce Ranger Keys, Jungle Fury Vol. 1-2 DVDs + Foil promotional cards, Power Morphicon 2014 plastic bag, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce and Dino Charge metal pins, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @PockyBandit

Super Party Ranger Prize Pack: Super Megaforce and Samurai plastic bags, Megaforce stickers, Megaforce earbuds, Megaforce Blue Ranger plush keychain, Megaforce flying disks, Samurai paddle ball, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce metal pin, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @WeatherMan34

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