Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 011

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 011

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In November’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we discuss the future of the Power Rangers franchise with Chris (Kickback @TokuChris), Jordan (DenO_Tokunation) and Tom (@SoulinkChu) from Tokunation.com and the Talkin’ Toku podcast. What will the next season of Power Rangers be for 2017? How will the Power Rangers movie affect the tv show? Where will it air? Go-Busters? ToQger? Ninninger? We discuss all the pros and cons.

Then, in one of our longest Ranger Nation Answers segments ever, we read your thoughts on what sentai series the next Power Rangers series should be based on.

All aboard the Chu chu train!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 011 : “Rangers Discuss the Future” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 054

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 054

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our first Halloween Special, the Podcast Rangers decide to throw a Halloween Party, but Keeper does not know what Halloween is!

On the way to the party the rangers decide to review the Power Rangers Dino Charge Halloween Special, “The Ghostest with the Mostest”. Their enemy Fury has other plans instead!

Will the Ranger Command Podcast Rangers save Halloween?

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 54 : “Ranger Command Halloween Special” 


Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 009

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 009

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In September’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we assemble the MMPR Movie Reboot Roundtable with Chris aka Kickback (@TokuChris), R.J., and Lee of The Monkie Grid (@MonkieRanger) to talk about the newest casting sides for the movie… and badly act them out.

We also talk about the latest news in the fandom like the final Power Rangers Dino Charge episode titles, the latest Legacy items found by Morphin’ Legacy and New York Comic Con‘s exclusive Power Rangers vinyl. Then we answer your questions in our Questions from Ranger Nation segment and we read your thoughts on the reboot
casting sides.

It’s time to drop the bull$@#%!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 009 : “Ranger Roundtable – MMPR Reboot Casting Sides” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 051

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 051

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

On this episode, our hosts got together at Zach’s house to watch the Power Rangers Dino Charge Gold Ranger’s debut and eat pancakes! Joining Zach and Eric are Chris aka Kickback (@rankal) and first time podcaster and Eric’s girlfriend, Theresa (@thetg17)!

We discuss the MMPR Reboot movie‘s filming location and review Episode 11 of Dino Charge, “Breakout”.

Then we answer your questions like what color Power Ranger we would be and team we would join, which two Power Rangers teams should join up for an entire season and what was our favorite 6th/Extra Ranger debut!

Join us for a ton of laughs, and pancakes are optional.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 51 : “Rangers Live with Kickback” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 008

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 008

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In August’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we are joined by frequent co-host of the show Chris aka Kickback (@rankal) and talk about ALL of the Power Rangers Theme Songs throughout the years. We commemorate 22 years of the franchise through the music the show has given us. From Ron Wasserman to Noam Kaniel, we discuss the best and the worst theme songs.

We also talk about the latest news in the fandom like Jason David Frank on Chicago’s WGN Radio, an updated Power Rangers Dino Charge schedule, and the Power Rangers Museum at the Dubai Mall!

Go Go Power Rangers, don’t you ever stop!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 008 : “Ranger Theme Songs” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 047

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 047

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

On this episode we welcome back frequent guest co-host to the show, Chris aka Kickback (@rankal) of TokuNation.com! He shares all of his stories and experiences from San Diego Comic Con. He interviewed Executive Producer Chip Lynn of Power Rangers Dino Charge, talked with Bandai America about the latest in toys, attended the Dino Charge panel hosted by Andre the Black Nerd and more!

Then A.P. and Eric discuss Shout Factory releasing Dairanger and what they want to see next in domestic sentai releases. They also talk about the upcoming Megazord Madness contest, and Eric previews our next bonus episode all about G-Fest!

You don’t have to wait in a line to listen to this episode!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 47: “I’m Back and Sober! – Kickback’s SDCC 2015 Recap”


Links mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 042

Talkin' Ranger Toku Command - Days of Future Podcast

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

One year ago it all started with the first Talkin’ Ranger Toku Command crossover. Now it’s time for the EPIC conclusion with Ranger Command Power Hour & Talkin Toku Crossover Part 4 – Days of Future Podcast.

We are joined by our brothers in Podcast Arms – Talkin’ Toku At The Nation – Chris @rankal, Jordan @DenO_Tokunation and Tom @SoulinkChu!

In this crossover, the Rangers must face the consequences of past crossovers and deal with a threat from within.

Then the crossover team discusses Power Rangers Dino Charge vs. Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. The early episodes, the relationships, the characters and more.

Finally, once the discussion ends it’s the final conclusion to our epic crossover saga. Afterwards enjoy some hilarious bloopers, 15 minutes of them!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 42: Ranger Command Power Hour & Talkin Toku Crossover Part 4 – Days of Future Podcast


RCPH TT Days of Future Podcast - Talkin' Ranger Toku Command

Talkin' Ranger Toku Command - Tom Van

Links to past crossovers:

Continue reading

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 041

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 041

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In “Rangers Batty in the Sun” we are joined by Chris aka @rankal from TokuNation and the Talkin’ Toku podcast and we discuss Bat in the Sun‘s production of “Ryu vs. The Green Ranger” Super Power Beat Down starring Jason David Frank.

We also discuss the 5 year anniversary of Saban Brands in our news segment as well as Questions From Ranger Nation. We answer such questions as our least favorite series of Power Rangers, podcast tips, the MMPR Movie date pushback, our thoughts on Ninninger and Kamen Rider Drive, and what we think we’ll see Power Rangers related at San Diego Comic Con.

Then we get a little batty as we discuss our own Ranger related beatdowns.

Long live the silver stripe.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 41: “Rangers Batty in the Sun”


Links mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 034

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 034 - Toy Fair 2015

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Toy Fair 2015 was last week and a lot was revealed! We are joined by frequent guest co-host Chris (aka Kickback @rankal) of TokuNation.com. His team got the first look of Bandai’s booth at the show and we discuss all of these findings.

We also discuss the second episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, “Past, Present and Fusion”. What did we think? Listen to our take on the Shelby, Kendall, and Koda “situations” brought up by Ranger Nation.

As always, we discuss the latest news including Rajia Baroudi‘s cancer fund update, Rangerstop‘s Superhero Toy & Comic Con guest announcements, the newest Dino Charge episode descriptions, Dino Charge not being on Hulu, the Threadless Power Rangers design contest winners and we answer your questions from Ranger Nation!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 34: “Rangers Talkin’ Toy Fair 2015”


Links mentioned in our show:

Toy Fair 2015 Coverage


Last year, host @trekkieb47 was fortunate enough to go to Toy Fair New York. This year, we are partnering with TokuNation‘s Talkin’ Toku podcast for a special LIVE episode early Saturday morning with an exclusive look at the latest toy offerings from Bandai.


Then, on Sunday 2/15, we record with @rankal to talk about all of the Toy Fair reveals, the second Dino Charge episode, and more. That episode will release on 2/21.

Are you CHARGED for new toys?