Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 159

Rise of the Psycho Rangers

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 as he talks all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Today we are interviewing Jonathan Ying, best known in Ranger Nation as the Game Designer for Renegade Games’ Heroes of the Grid. Some of the other games he has designed include: Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Bargain Quest, DOOM: The Board Game, Sonic the Hedgehog: Dice Rush, and more.

The newest Kickstarter campaign for the Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid expansion, Rise of the Psycho Rangers, launches on Tuesday, May 12th. We delve into the details of the expansion, including some new information on game modes, pack-ins, artists for the campaign and more.

Jonathan also goes into some of the thought processes behind the scenes to bring this expansion, and others, to life.

This episode is also brought to you by Renegade Games – Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid: Rise of the Psycho Rangers. The newest expansion is funding now on Kickstarter until Tuesday, May 26th. Our link to the campaign is an affiliate link in partnership with Renegade Game Studios. Purchasing the expansion with this link also helps Ranger Command. We thank Renegade for sponsoring this month of the podcast!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 159 – “Ranger Command Interview – Renegade Games – Rise of the Psycho Rangers”

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