SITE NEWS – July 2018 Hiatus

RCPH Announcement – July 2018 Hiatus


July will be a month long hiatus for Ranger Command. After almost 5 years of consistent content, host Eric (@trekkieb47) needs a small break to refocus and refresh the podcast. We will still be active on social media and have some cool contests and announcements in July.

Ranger Command is definitely not going away. There are great and exciting things happening for Power Rangers and Hasbro to carry it past the 25th Anniversary and into the 30th (hopefully). And RCPH will be there for it all.

To our Patrons: We will be pausing our Patreon Page so supporters will not be billed on August 1st for July’s hiatus. Thank you for your continued support as we catch up on raffle prizes and side content.

Enjoy the Fourth of July!

RCPH July Hiatus