Today, Saban Brands sent members of the Power Force the high resolution version of the Power Rangers Ninja Steel logo that was first revealed on IGN’s snapchat on Thursday.
Click below to download the full high resolution logo for Ninja Steel.
IGN also included a new synopsis for Ninja Steel:
“Saban’s Power Rangers Ninja Steel starts deep in space, where Zircon is the reigning champion of the most popular intergalactic game show in the universe, and monsters battle to prove who is the mightiest warrior.
Zircon is determined to become invincible by controlling the mythical Spirit Crystal, which contains six supernatural Ninja Power Throwing Stars. The only thing standing in his way is a new team of heroic teenage Power Rangers who possess the Spirit Crystal.
The evil Zircon sends his warrior contestants down to Earth to steal the Crystal, where each epic battle against the Rangers is broadcast throughout the universe. Together, the Rangers must master their arsenal of Throwing Stars, Zords and Megazords, each made of legendary ninja steel, in order to stop this evil threat and save our planet from destruction.”

Stay tuned to a future episode of Ranger Command Power Hour where we will give our thoughts on the logo and synopsis!