Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 057

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 057

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In this episode we watch Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. This is a commentary episode, meant to serve as an movie commentary like what you would find on a DVD or a Riff track. For maximum enjoyment please watch along with us. We are watching a DVD copy of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. At the time of this recording this episode was available on HBO Go, Amazon Prime, and YouTube.

For the start of the commentary, fast forward to 17:00.

Before our commentary, we talk about Power Pinups 2016 calendar.


Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 57: “Rangers Commentary – Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie” 


Links mentioned in our show:

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Season Finale Production Stills


This Saturday, Power Rangers Dino Charge airs the season finale, “One More Energem“! Saban Brands has given Power Force members three exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge rangers must get the Purple Energem back from Sledge by any means necessary! What surprises lie in store?

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

Power Rangers Dino Charge production still Power Rangers Dino Charge production still Power Rangers Dino Charge production still

Talkin’ Ranger Toku Command: The Final Crossover Promo

With the end of the Talkin’ Toku Podcast (@talkintoku) in sight, it’s only fitting that one last journey is taken with Ranger Command Power Hour.

We are proud to present the promo for Talkin’ Toku Ranger Toku Command: The Final Crossover, coming December 26th.



Click the above image for a full hi-res version. Special thanks to Chris (@rankal) for cutting together the promo and Mere (@nightmere10) and Lee (@monkieranger) for lending their voice talents to the clip.

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Christmas Episode Production Stills


This Saturday, Power Rangers Dino Charge’s new Christmas Special, “Race to Rescue Christmas“, premieres! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge Christmas special will be a fun ride when the Dino Charge Rangers help Santa get back his Christmas computer from Poisandra!

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

Dino Charge Christmas 1 Dino Charge Christmas 2

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 056

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 056

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In this post Thanksgiving episode, Eric and Zach reflect on the DiFilippo Triplets flipping out. Determining that they weren’t very thankful, we discuss what we are thankful for in Power Rangers and the fandom this year. We then read Ranger Nation listener responses and see what everyone else is thankful for.

Finally in a new segment, “Zach’s Cooking Corner”, Zach talks about the best Thanksgiving leftovers recipe you will ever try.

We are very thankful that you listen to us every other Saturday. Thank you.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 56: “Rangers Thankful”


Links mentioned in our show:

Power Rangers at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

The Power Rangers will once again be at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Don’t forget to tune in and catch the Red Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger soaring through the streets of New York in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this Thursday on NBC from 9 a.m.-12 p.m (eastern).

Saban Brands has given Power Force members at fun info-graphic  with some interesting facts about the construction of the Power Rangers Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon.


Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 19 Production Still


This Saturday a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 19, “Wishing for a Hero” premieres! Saban Brands has given Power Force members an exclusive behind-the-scenes still. The Dino Charge rangers are being attacked? Or something is blowing up? Either way, this is sure to be an explosive penultimate episode to the season.

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res picture.

Power Rangers Dino Charge production still

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 011

RCPH WEBSITE Extra Episode Header 011

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In November’s extra episode brought to you by our supporters on Patreon, we discuss the future of the Power Rangers franchise with Chris (Kickback @TokuChris), Jordan (DenO_Tokunation) and Tom (@SoulinkChu) from Tokunation.com and the Talkin’ Toku podcast. What will the next season of Power Rangers be for 2017? How will the Power Rangers movie affect the tv show? Where will it air? Go-Busters? ToQger? Ninninger? We discuss all the pros and cons.

Then, in one of our longest Ranger Nation Answers segments ever, we read your thoughts on what sentai series the next Power Rangers series should be based on.

All aboard the Chu chu train!

Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 011 : “Rangers Discuss the Future” 


Links mentioned in the show:

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 18 Production Stills


This Saturday a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 18, “Deep Down Under” premieres! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge rangers continue their adventures in New Zealand. Things get complicated when a new zord makes its debut and Fury is on the attack.

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

Power Rangers Dino Charge production still Power Rangers Dino Charge production still

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 055

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 055

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our second annual Ranger Holiday Gift Guide, our hosts guide you through a bunch of great Power Rangers products for the Ranger fan in your life. From toys, video, and comics to clothes, cosplay, props, and art, we cover it all.

We also discuss the latest news including all of the Power Rangers Movie cast announcements, the Megazord Madness winners, and the Power Rangers Dino Charge DVD volume 1. Then in our Questions from Ranger Nation segment we talk about toys for girls and if we will ever see another female red ranger. In our Ranger Nation Answers segment, we read your answers on what you would like for the holidays. Finally, we have such a headache with fake news floating around entertainment news sites!

It’s time to gift up!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 55: “Ranger Holiday Gift Guide 2”


Links mentioned in our show:


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