Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 028

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 028

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In a surprise release, we team up for another crossover! Ranger Command Power Hour & Talkin Toku Crossover Part 3 – What to Do Without the Power

We are joined by our brothers in Podcast Arms – Talkin’ Toku At The Nation – Chris @rankal, Jordan @DenO_Tokunation and Tom @SoulinkChu

In this crossover, the Rangers contemplate the holidays and have to fight TURKINATOR and BLIZZATROLL.

Then the crossover team discusses the Dino Charge toys, new sounds that were unlocked in the Morpher and what to do without new Power Rangers episodes to watch until February.

Since Power Morphicon’s reveal of the Power Rangers Dino Charge cast, combined with the international airings of Super Megaforce, fans are anxiously awaiting February’s premiere. What will Judd Lynn bring to the table? What can we expect to be used from a season like Kyoryuger? What will we watch in the meantime? ARE YOU READY TO CHARGE IT UP?!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 28: Ranger Command Power Hour & Talkin Toku Crossover Part 3 – What to Do Without the Power


Ranger Command Power Hour & Talkin Toku Crossover

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 027

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 027

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In the first “Ranger Holiday Gift Guide”, our hosts guide you through a bunch of great Power Rangers products for the Power Rangers fan in your life. From toys, video, and comics to clothes, cosplay, props, and art, we cover it all.

We also discuss the latest news including a possible extended episode of Power Rangers Super Megaforce, the release date for the first Power Rangers Super Sentai DVD collection of Zyuranger, and revealing Dino  Charge packaging news.

It’s time to Ranger Up, Holiday style! Also, listen to the very end for a special promo for our 11/29 episode!

Listen now: RCPH Episode 27: “Ranger Holiday Gift Guide”


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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 004

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 004

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Join us as we talk “Ranger Sexism” with special Ranger Nation co-host @The2ndBatGirl. Power Rangers has had strong female characters throughout the years, but what happens when sexism comes into play? Either through the show or toy line, we discuss this important issue.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 4 – Ranger Sexism