Ranger Command Anniversary Contest – CLOSED

RCPH Anniversary Contest Banner

CONTEST IS CLOSED. Thanks to all who participated!

We are hosting an epic contest for our one year Anniversary on January 25th!

It’s been a fantastic year thanks to our wonderful listeners, so we want to give back. There are 5 prize packs available to win. Details below:


Super Mega Anniversary Prize Pack: Super Megaforce Legendary Morpher, 2 MMPR Key Packs, 9 extra ranger keys, Power Rangers Zeo Vol. 1 DVD, Super Megaforce Vol. 1 Earth Fights Back DVD, XL MMPR Red Ranger t-shirt, Papercutz MMPR Comic #1, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce and Dino Charge metal pins, 2 Power Rangers Promotional postcards. Winner – @PED_IV

Dino Charged Up Prize Pack: 5 Dino Charger Power Packs, 2 Henshin Vault Dino Charge metal pins, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @orangeranger198

Mystic Samurai Prize Pack: Mystic Force Vol. 1-3 DVDs, Mystic Force Dark Wish DVD, Mystic Force Ranger Key Pack, Samurai Vol. 1-2 DVD, Power Rangers Super Samurai Vol. 1-2 DVD, Power Rangers Samurai Christmas and Halloween specials DVDs, Red Samurai Ranger Key, 2 Power Rangers Promotional postcards. Winner – @jefferyhusk91

Jungle Emergency Prize Pack: SPD Ranger Key Pack, Dekaranger Deka Red soft vinyl figure, MMPR Red and Super Megaforce Ranger Keys, Jungle Fury Vol. 1-2 DVDs + Foil promotional cards, Power Morphicon 2014 plastic bag, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce and Dino Charge metal pins, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @PockyBandit

Super Party Ranger Prize Pack: Super Megaforce and Samurai plastic bags, Megaforce stickers, Megaforce earbuds, Megaforce Blue Ranger plush keychain, Megaforce flying disks, Samurai paddle ball, Henshin Vault Super Megaforce metal pin, Power Rangers Ranger Key Promotional postcard. Winner – @WeatherMan34

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 023

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 023

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

This episode concludes Ranger Command Power Hour’s Power Morphicon Detox MonthToday’s episode is completely uncensored and may contain language unsuitable for minors.


In “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part GOLDAR”, @trekkieb47 and @TheCinemaSlob have a conversation with Kerrigan Mahan (@TheTrueGoldar) once again.

He is known for his roles as Goldar in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers through In Space, The Magna Defender in Lost Galaxy, Jeb the Talking Dog in V.R. Troopers and numerous monster voices in the franchise.

We talk with Kerrigan about Hollywood life, his history as a voice actor in the entertainment industry, learn some important life lessons and oh yah, talk a little bit about Power Morphicon.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 23: “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part GOLDAR”

Audio Player


Links and names mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 022

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

This month is Ranger Command Power Hour’s Power Morphicon Detox Month. Every Saturday in September we premiere a new episode interviewing fans (and maybe special guests) about their Power Morphicon experiences.

In “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 3”, @trekkieb47 is joined by Brian (@ShukuenShinobi) of the The Riders, Rangers and Rambles Podcast (@TheRRRPodcast), Batgirl (@The2ndBatgirl) and Pocky (@pockysquirrel) of the Toku Ladies Podcast (@TokuLadies_Pod), Jake (@DatabaseRanger) of Database Ranger’s Power Reviews on YouTube, and James (@PR_Media_Info) of the Power Rangers Media Info Blog and YouTube Channel

We talk about our experiences at Power Morphicon, including the Power Force breakfast, con craziness, and unexpected but hilarious technical errors.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 22: “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 3”

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Links mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 021

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 021

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

This month is Ranger Command Power Hour’s Power Morphicon Detox Month. Every Saturday in September we premiere a new episode interviewing fans (and maybe special guests) about their Power Morphicon experiences.


In “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 2”, @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob are joined by Darren aka @DrSciFi of The Dr. Sci Fi Show and Richie Gray, a fan we had the pleasure of talking to the last day of the show.

We talk about our experiences at Power Morphicon, comparing Ranger Nation to fans of other franchises, Line Con at PMC and connecting with new friends.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 21: “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 2”

Audio Player


Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 020

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 020

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

This month is Ranger Command Power Hour’s Power Morphicon Detox Month. Every Saturday in September we premiere a new episode interviewing fans (and maybe special guests) about their Power Morphicon experiences.


In “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 1”, @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob are joined by Chris aka Kickback @TokuChris of @TokuNation and the Talkin’ Toku podcast, Matt Jayson aka @mattjay_son of “The Ranger” Short film on FunnyorDie.com, Susan – public Relations Manager for Austin St. John, and Steven Zurita aka @StevenZurita – Animator, Director, Writer, Editor, VFX Artist for Annoying Orange, “Sour Rangers” short and HyperDrive Pictures on YouTube “Power Rangers Essentials”.

We talk about our experiences at Power Morphicon, a few surprises and helping a member of #RangerNation.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 20: “Ranger Command Post Power Morphicon Wrap Up Part 1”

Audio Player


Links mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 019


It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In our first live episode straight from our hotel room at Power Morphicon, room mates @trekkieb47 @TheCinemaSlob @TokuChris (of @TokuNation and the Talkin’ Toku podcast) @rowrowrowan and friend of the podcast @DrSciFi (of the Doctor SciFi Show) team up with special guests Dan (@danpearce42), Shamus, Nick and Dante of Dan’s Toku Rants and @the2ndBatgirl and @pockysquirrel  of Toku Ladies Podcast (@TokuLadies_Pod)

We answer your questions about Power Morphicon live from the show, all while eating In N’ Out and drinking.

You can listen to the episode here: RCPH Episode 19: “Ranger Command After Dark”

Audio Player

But we recommend you watch the craziness here:

Ranger Command After Dark Livestream





WHO: Saban’s Power Rangers, five Junior Ranger guests from Make-A-Wish® and host Alex Heartman (Red Ranger from Power Rangers Super Samurai).

WHAT: Saban’s Power Rangers, Junior Ranger guests from Make-A-Wish and surprise guests will take part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony and legendary performance stunt to POWER UP Power Morphicon, the 4th bi-annual Power Rangers fan-run convention, which originally started in 2006 to grant the wish of a wish kid. The Power Rangers and Power Morphicon are collaborating with Make-A-Wish to transform the lives of five kids from around the country with life-threatening medical conditions by granting their wish to meet the Power Rangers.

***Make-A-Wish is the official beneficiary of the 2014 Power Morphicon Charity Auction and will receive 100% of the proceeds from the auction. For more information about Make-A-Wish and to learn about the chapter serving your local community, visit www.wish.org.

WHERE: Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101

WHEN: Saturday, August 23
Press Check-in – 8:15 a.m.
Event Begins – 8:45 a.m.

PDF: PMC Media Alert

Press Release: Saban’s Power Rangers to Join 2014 POWER MORPHICON Fan Convention


Saban’s Power Rangers and thousands of fans will join forces to celebrate the fourth bi-annual Power Rangers official fan-run convention, Power Morphicon, at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, CA August 22-24. Fans can expect an action-packed experience from Saban Brands with the cast of Power Rangers Super Megaforce and a super-charged panel that will reveal an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming season, Power Rangers Dino Charge.

“Saban Brands is excited to participate once again in this year’s Power Morphicon,” said Elie Dekel, President of Saban Brands. “It is always a thrill to see Ranger Nation come together in full force and we can’t wait to celebrate the Power Rangers franchise with thousands of our passionate and loyal fans.”

To kick off the opening of Power Morphicon, fans can gather for an exciting event on Saturday, August 23, at 8:45 a.m. outside the Pasadena Convention Center. Saban’s Power Rangers and special “Junior Ranger” guests from Make-A-Wish will take part in an epic stunt to POWER UP Power Morphicon, which originally started in 2006 to grant the wish of a child in the Make-A-Wish program. The Power Rangers are partnering with Make-A-Wish, the official 2014 Power Morphicon Charity Auction beneficiary, and special guests to transform the lives of five kids from around the country with life-threatening medical conditions by granting their wishes to meet the Power Rangers.

At 1 p.m., fans can attend the Power Rangers Super Megaforce Panel in Ballroom D&E, moderated by Judd “Chip” Lynn, Executive Producer of the upcoming Power Rangers Dino Charge season. Fans can expect a lively Q&A session with the Super Megaforce cast, followed by a never-before-seen look at the highly anticipated upcoming 2015 season. Following the panel, attendees can meet the cast of Power Rangers Super Megaforce at the official cast signing from 2-4 p.m. in the Main Hallway. In addition, fans can expect to meet and pose for photos with various legendary Rangers on the show floor throughout the full run of the convention.

Saban Brands is also expanding the Power Force at Power Morphicon, a select group of superfans who have been chosen to receive exclusive insider access to all things Power Rangers. The Power Force represents some of the most passionate, enthusiastic and knowledgeable fans. These new Power Force members include: Database Ranger, Hassan Ahmed, Kickback, Miss CD, NerdyGirlJulia, ShukuenShinobi, TheSecondBatgirl, Trekkieb47 and ZeronXepher.

Additionally, Bandai America is officially launching the Power Rangers “Unlock the Power” instant win game and sweepstakes at Power Morphicon! Fans can scan any of their Legendary Ranger Keys into the Power Rangers Scanner App on their mobile device for a chance to instantly win exclusive coupons and toy prize packs now through December 31, 2014. Fans also have the opportunity to win a trip to Hollywood, California for a family of four and to voice a character in an upcoming Power Rangers episode! To learn more about “Unlock the Power,” please visit www.bandai.com/powerrangers.

Fans can stay up-to-date on the latest Power Rangers news by following the brand’s official social media channels on FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr and YouTube.

Saban’s Power Rangers Super Megaforce will return with all-new episodes on Saturday, August 30 at 12 p.m. (ET/PT), only on Nickelodeon.

For more information on Power Morphicon, please visit www.officialpowermorphicon.com.

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Ranger Command at Power Morphicon


Power Morphicon is THIS WEEK and Ranger Command Power Hour is excited to be attending for the first time! Prepare for the convention by listening to RCPH Episode 18: “Ranger Convention Survival Guide Power Morphicon”

Starting Friday follow the twitter accounts of hosts Eric (@trekkieb47), Zach (@TheCinemaSlob) and joining us from TokuNationChris (@rankal) as they cover the whole weekend. We will be using the hashtag #RangerCommandAtPMC – also keep glued to our own twitter feed @RangerCommandPH

At the convention? Be one of the first two people to find us at the convention and get a Power Rangers Action Card Game card signed by A.P. @secretrangerfan!

PMC Secret Ranger Fan Cards

Saturday find us on the con floor, we will be interviewing attendees to get the con experience from Ranger Nation! Look for us in our new Ranger Command Power Hour t-shirts!


Don’t forget to watch Power Morphicon LIVE! from @ShoutFactory, a great way for fans to see the show live that can’t be there. We might even pop on at some point!

Late Saturday night we will be hosting our first ever LIVE episode: Ranger Command After Dark! This live and uncensored episode will be streaming on Spreaker and a Public Google Hangout on Youtube. Details, time and links will be available that evening so stay tuned to this page for more details!

Ranger Command AFTER DARK

Sunday will be the last day of the show and we will be continuing our coverage.

Our Post-PMC episode 20 will feature all of our recording from the con, actor interviews, Ranger Nation, and more!

Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 018

RCPH Episode 018 - Power Morphicon Survival Guide

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Join us and special guest co-hosts @TokuChris/Kickback,  Susan and Mark Smith (@mainstreamlive/Arlim on Youtube) for a Ranger Convention Survival Guide: Power Morphicon.

With Power Morphicon only two weeks away, we give you the low down on what to expect at the convention and VITAL tips of every aspect of the con going experience. If you are a seasoned convention pro or a first time con goer, this episode is a must listen.

We also have a special message from AUSTIN ST. JOHN, the original Red Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger at the beginning of our show.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 18: “Ranger Convention Survival Guide Power Morphicon”

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Links mentioned in our show: