Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 064

RCPH WEBSITE Episode Header 064

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Once again Eric travels to Lexington, Kentucky for the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention, this time with co-host Zach in tow. They discuss their favorite moments of the convention, their con hauls and more. Then, we give you the very best highlights of the Lex Con Power Rangers panels!

We also discuss the news such as Power Morphicon guest announcements, the new Power Rangers movie news and Ninja Steel casting sides.

Below we have included timestamps to make it easier to listen to a specific panel’s highlights.

VR Troopers Mike Hollander – 00:25:00
Jason David Frank Panel – 00:58:15
Johnny Yong Bosch Q&A – 1:20:30
Power Rangers Time Force Panel – 1:47:47
The Ritas Q&A – 2:24:08

For full panels, please visit Lex Con’s official Youtube channel.

Special thanks to the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention for providing us with Press access for the weekend.

Listen now: RCPH Episode 64: “Ranger Command at Lex Con 2016”

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Links mentioned in our show:

Ranger Command Power Hour Extra Episode 005

Tulsa Comic Expo

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In a bit of a surprise we have another bonus episode for you this weekend! One of our listeners, Charlie Niemeyer also known as @orangeranger198 on Twitter, went to the Tulsa Comic Expo this weekend and recorded the Power Rangers panel there.

This panel includes:

NAKIA BURRISE who played Tanya in Power Rangers Zeo and Turbo.

CATHERINE SUTHERLAND who played Kat in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers season 3, Zeo and Turbo.

JASON NARVY who played Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers through Lost Galaxy and cameos in “Forever Red” and Power Rangers Super Samurai.

and PAUL SCHRIER who played Farkas “Bulk” Bulkmeier in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers through Lost Galaxy and cameos in “Forever Red” and came back to play Bulk for Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai.


Listen now: RCPH Extra Episode 005 : “Ranger Con Coverage: Tulsa Comic Expo” 

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