RCPH Bolt Bites – January 2025

Welcome to Ranger Command Power Hour’s BOLT BITES article series! BOLT BITES is a semi-monthly to monthly summary of all the news happening for Power Rangers merchandise, fan works, entertainment and other news.

Have something Ranger news related that you found? Are you an artist looking to promote your work? Do you make Power Rangers content on YouTube or Twitch? Drop us a line at rangercommandpowerhour@gmail.com or on our social media channels.

And now onto January 2025’s BOLT BITES.


Today, January 25th, 2025, Ranger Command Power Hour celebrates the eleventh anniversary of the release of the first episode of the podcast.

I (Eric) just want to thank all of our listeners, supporters and friends of the show for sticking with the site and podcast, especially over the past couple of years. The back half of last year was incredibly draining and busy both personally and professionally. This affected the release of episodes of the podcast since family will always take first priority in my life.

The plan for the future remains the same as I’ve stated on social media and Patreon. Extra Episodes will end with Extra Episode 100 and newer episodes of the podcast will come out when they come out as time and news permits. Right now, the only new stories being told are from the comics, specifically the new series Power Rangers Prime from BOOM! Studios. Future podcast episodes will focus on the comics with interviews and discussions from the Ranger Command Comic Squadron.

Thanks again and here’s to the new year!

11th Anniversary Live Stream

Catch the 11th Anniversary live stream TONIGHT! Unboxing a set of hero props from Heritage Auctions Power Rangers auction.

SPD Emergency!

  • Power Rangers SPD celebrates its 20TH ANNIVERSARY this year! 2025 is also the year that the show takes place. While we aren’t fighting crime in a future time (wait, wrong show…), Executive Producer of SPD, Greg Aronowitz, is sharing daily behind the scenes images. Some of these have never been seen! Below is a gallery of just some of what has been shared so far. Don’t forget to follow Greg on Instagram for daily SPD updates!

A Serious Emergency…

  • A list of resources for those in the area and for those that wish to donate has been compiled by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.



  • You can now order the Super7 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ReAction Figure – Megazord (Lightning Glow) from Hasbro Pulse for $25. The product description reads, Inspired by the ‘90s TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, this 5.75” tall Megazord features a glow-in-the-dark colorway, complete with glow-in-the-dark Power Sword and Mammoth Shield accessories, and comes packed in collector-friendly window box packaging. This Lightning Glow Megazord ReAction Figure will light the way to a better Power Rangers collection— collect yours today!”
  • On January 17th, ahead of this past week’s London Toy Fair, Power Rangers and Playmates Toys teased the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition collection in a joint Instagram post.

    IT’S MORPHIN TIME! Get ready for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers RE-IGNITION with a new morphinominal collection. Stay tuned for more… #powerrangers”

  • At London Toy Fair it was announced that Playmates Toys appointed Character Options to distribute Power Rangers in the UK & London. Character Options will begin its distribution of the toys from summer 2025. The new collection was first seen at London Toy Fair (no pictures were allowed) at the Character Options booth. This collection should be teased by Playmates during New York Toy Fair March 1st – 4th.


  • Upcoming: BOOM! Studios April 2025 solicits are out and includes covers for Power Rangers Prime issue #6 and an advanced look for June’s MMPR: Death Ranger Part One softcover collection.

  • Last month BOOM! Studios podcast, BOOM! Direct, interviewed Power Rangers Prime series writer Melissa Flores and series editor Allyson Gronowitz. Hosts Anthony Mauro and Adrian Lopez dove deep into the creation of Power Rangers Prime with Melissa and Allyson. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts, but here’s a link to the episode on Spotify.
  • Speaking of Allyson, November 27th, 2024 was her last day as an editor at BOOM! Studios. It is not known how far into Power Rangers Prime’s run she will be editor as issue three still listed her as editor. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors!


  • Renegade Game Studios has been teasing the final Kickstarter and expansion of the Heroes of the Grid game, Eternal Rangers. The Kickstarter will launch on January 28th at 10AM Pacific Time. You can sign up for the campaign on their Kickstarter Page. Below are some teases for figures and cards in the set:


  • Former Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai actor Hector David Jr. (Mike, Green Ranger) has plead guilty to battery charges after assaulting an elderly man last year. The sentencing for 180 days in jail was passed a couple of weeks ago. According to TMZ, the judge suspended 135 days of the sentence and HDJ is now only serving a mere 45 days in jail. The rest of the sentence includes two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, notes The Latin Times.

Thank you for reading this month’s Bolt Bites!

RCPH Bolt Bites – November 2024

Welcome to Ranger Command Power Hour’s BOLT BITES article series! BOLT BITES is a semi-monthly to monthly summary of all the news happening for Power Rangers merchandise, fan works, entertainment and other news.

Have something Ranger news related that you found? Are you an artist looking to promote your work? Do you make Power Rangers content on YouTube or Twitch? Drop us a line at rangercommandpowerhour@gmail.com or on our social media channels.

If you’re in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving this week and be safe while traveling. See you next month.

And now onto November 2024’s BOLT BITES.



  • New Power Rangers Funko Pops are on the way. According to Gamespot, Funko will be releasing a new collection called Bitty Pop Bitty Bots. For Power Rangers fans the Target exclusive (ugh!) Megazord features a head that opens to display the Bitty Pop Red Ranger.

  • Also confirmed to be coming are Funko Pops for each of Tommy Oliver‘s Ranger forms. Jason Bischoff, formerly of Saban Brands and Hasbro, and now employed with Funko – tweeted out a confirmation earlier this week.



  • Power Rangers Prime artist Michael YG showed off his concept art for Lauren Shiba on his Weibo account (super high res download). The ranger suit features a jacket similar to Super Samurai Mode as well as a traditional Japanese grass rain coat (mino).

  • In similar fashion, over on BlueSky, Power Rangers: Infinity artists Brand&Stein showed off the concept art for Power Rangers Paladin Force team. They described the concept art as follows:

    “On the left is a full-body concept for one of the Paladin Force, a knight with a Power Rangers tabard. On the right are the other helmet designs for the team. They’re varying shapes of knight helmet with differing ornamentation, including horns, a wing on one side, a stylised crown-like effect, and one that’s just overall a bit more angular.”


  • Digital Eclipse also announced the voice cast on Twitter. They include AJ LoCascio (Gambit, X-Men ’97) as Red Ranger, Zordon and Alpha 5, Cristina Vee (HyperForce Black Ranger) as Pink Ranger, Isaac Robinson-Smith (Adam, Voltron Legendary Defender) as Black Ranger, Holly Chou (Jubilee, X-Men ’97) as Yellow Ranger, James Willems (Funhaus) as Green Ranger, Goldar and Bones, Ally Dixon (Nikki Narwhal, Thelma the Unicorn) as Rita Repulsa, and Digital Eclipse’s own Dan Amrich as the Blue Ranger.




  • Atlanta News First reports that stunt woman Sophia Crawford has opened up a coffee shop in Alpharetta, Georgia called Ground and Pound Coffee. Crawford was a stunt woman for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and MMPR: The Movie and is married to MMPR Stunt Coordinator Jeff Pruitt.

NEWS – Heritage Auctions and Hasbro Team Up for Once-in-a-Lifetime Auction in November

Go Go Power Rangers! Heritage and Hasbro Join Forces to Present a Mighty, Morphin, Once-in-a-Lifetime Auction in November

Costumes, props, weapons and helmets spanning the franchise’s 30-plus year legacy fill this event – along with the mightiest Megazord ever assembled

DALLAS, Texas (Oct. 25, 2024) — For over 30 years, Hasbro’s Power Rangers franchise has been an unstoppable, ubiquitous force of nostalgia — a unique blend of Spandex, pyrotechnics and rubber-suited monsters that evolved from a Japanese live-action television series into a global phenomenon. In the early 1990s, along came this unlikely juggernaut about a group of ordinary teenagers in brightly colored costumes, doing karate and piloting colossal robots. A team that showed us: We can all be Power Rangers.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers debuted in 1993, adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu franchise Super Sentai, and it didn’t just captivate children; it conquered them, quickly becoming the most-watched children’s television program in the U.S. The formula was simple: Aliens invade, teenagers morph, monsters grow to the size of skyscrapers and amazing Megazords. It was predictable and gloriously so, which is what made it work for generations raised on the Power Rangers TV series. Echoing the nostalgia of a generation gathered around the TV each week, the Power Rangers inspired everyday heroes from all walks of life to come together, team up and morph into something mightier — and more fun — than anyone ever expected.

The franchise has endured and even evolved by doing what it’s always done best: embracing humor and heart with over-the-top superhero action. Whether it’s ninjas, space warriors or dinosaurs (sometimes all at once), Power Rangers has the chameleon-like ability to reinvent itself (or, ahem, Morph) without ever straying too far from its core. At its heart, it’s still the story of teamwork, friendship and how a group of misfit teens can come together and save the world every single week from the likes of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. That’s the key to its longevity.

Since July, fans have been buzzing about the nostalgic pieces highlighted at Heritage’s preview of the November 18-19 Power Rangers Hasbro Hollywood & Entertainment Signature® Auction at the National Sports Collectors Convention in Cleveland. Even the venerable Sports Collectors Digest took note of Heritage’s Technicolor display, noting that the Power Rangers’ “colorful suits and pods … supercharged” an event once built solely around sports collectibles.

Now, at last, that auction is here: the largest and most comprehensive collection of Power Rangers memorabilia ever assembled. This auction, now open for bidding, spans every season and every iteration of the long-running series, with every character and creation represented among the nearly 700 lots that include the most iconic props, costumes and hero items from across the franchise’s 30-year legacy, from Power Rangers Mighty Morphin to the most recent season, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.

Heritage Auctions, HA.com

“This auction has something for every Power Rangers fan, whether you’ve followed them from the beginning or discovered them more recently during their Power Rangers Cosmic Fury era,” says Joe Maddalena, Executive Vice President at Heritage. “That multigenerational fanbase, the kids who loved the show and their parents who grew up with it, is what makes this event so special, and we’re proud to celebrate it with this one-of-a-kind auction.”

Here, fans will find the original costumes and weapons from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, including those costumes worn by the legendary Pink Ranger KimberlyBlue Ranger BillyYellow Ranger Trini and Green Ranger Tommy, as well as costumes from the original Japanese cast. In fact, the first 100 lots in the auction hail from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which premiered during the summer of 1993 during the Fox Kids programming block, using stock footage from the Japanese TV series Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

There are also costumes and accessories from 1995’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, as well as helmets spanning every era and variation of the franchise, among them Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive.

Heritage Auctions, HA.com

Among this auction’s numerous centerpieces is the Transformable Astro Megaship/Astro Megazord hero filming miniature from 1998’s Power Rangers in Space, one of the only complete Zords in this auction used on screen as the Rangers’ spacecraft and battle Zord. It’s fully articulated, an armed warrior and battle carrier that still moves like a well-oiled machine. And, says Maddalena, “It’s so complete it still has the fishing line they used to open the chest.”

Heritage Auctions, HA.com

Here, too, are the Thunder Megazord hero helmet, which looks like a cross between a Japanese samurai warrior and a Roman Legionnaire, and a single lot consisting of three (!) Action Megazord helmets with an action shield. Alpha, the Rangers’ mentor-assistant-sidekick, also appears here — twice, with the costume worn in Power Rangers in Space and the updated version from last year’s 30th anniversary TV movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always.

Villains, too, are well represented throughout this auction, which would have been incomplete without Rita Repulsa’s iconic Magic Wand scepter, the sorceress’s signature weapon screen-used throughout the earliest seasons of the series. For decades, kids begged their parents for Power Rangers merchandise — not just action figures and pajamas, but replica Power Morphers and Dragon Daggers. For the first time, fans who have passionately supported the brand’s legacy for over 30 years can own a piece of its history. What better way to power up and become a Ranger?

Click here to browse the November 18-19 Power Rangers Hasbro Hollywood & Entertainment Signature® Auction. Then get ready: It’s Morphin Time.

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