It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!
In our 25th episode, “Ranger Nation Interview: The Cast of Teenagers with Attitude” we welcome the cast of “Teenagers with Attitude”, the fan film created by Cisco Davis, Jr.
“Teenagers With Attitude” is a fan film that features a re-imagined cast of the original five teens before they meet Zordon and become the Power Rangers.
Kelvin Drama is an actor from Baltimore that plays Jason.
Sophia Reaves is a young actress and singer from the Baltimore-Washington area that plays Kimberly.
Hayden Livesay plays Zack and is a dedicated actor from the Baltimore-Washington region who now resides in LA.
Jennifer Ortiz is a talented actress from Pennsylvania that plays Trini.
James R. Ling is an actor from Pennsylvania who plays Billy.
Cisco Davis Jr., is the creator, director, writer, producer and visual effects maker of the Power Ranger fan film projects Zordon of Eltar and Teenagers with Attitude.
Listen now: RCPH Episode 25: “Ranger Nation Interview: The Cast of ‘Teenagers with Attitude’”
Audio PlayerTeenagers with Attitude was released last month and is available on YouTube.
Links mentioned in our show: