It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @TheCinemaSlob as he talks all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!
Today we talk with Michael Buoni(@Buoni), Mike Valdes (@mjvaldes84), and Jonathan Sepulveda (@JonimusPrime) about The RangerStop’s Superhero Toy & Comic Con 3, November 13-15 in Orlando, FL. Also joining us is Susan, who runs the annual Power Rangers After Dark panel.
How did RangerStop get started? What’s can con goers expect this year? Why is RangerStop so awesome?
Then, in a RangerStop EXCLUSIVE, we announce RangerStop’s newest guest, Dan Southworth and interview him.
Finally, we talk about who would be on our Ranger team if we were stuck on a monster infested island and include some fun bloopers at the end.
This November, Ranger Up at Ranger Stop!
Listen now: RCPH Episode 39: “Rangers Talk Ranger Stop”
Links mentioned in our show: