COMIC REVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 14

On Wednesday, December 29th, Power Rangers Issue 14 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown earlier this month.

The new Blue Omega Ranger, along with the rest of the Omega Rangers, retreat to Safehaven to plan their next steps. With information gathered from Zordon and the Blue Emissary, our motley crew of heroes and villains set their sights on defeating the minions of their former ally and conducting a rescue mission. But in a galaxy full of enemies, who… or what…  awaits their rescue?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“It’s time to take back Earth in the newest installment of the Eltarian War arc with Zordon is leading the charge. Not just as a mentor, but as a fully capable warrior. Back on Earth, Matt morphs into the Green Ranger, attracting Sentry Force Four while the remaining Rangers find Grace and her staff. The rest of the issue is non-stop twists and turns as both Rangers and enemies of old team up unexpectedly to take down Zartus. 

Overall, Issue 14 of Power Rangers (the fourth part of the Eltarian War) does a fantastic job of advancing the ‘war’ part of the story with all of the Power Rangers taking the fight to the enemy. The story is packed with action on two different fronts showing readers Zordon’s true power as a warrior from 10,000 years ago. And it won’t stop with this issue as the end moments tease one of the most anticipated battles for any long time fan.

Writer Ryan Parrott is able to keep things somewhat light in the middle of serious battles, with a war cry moment that had me chuckling. The dialogue throughout the issue is filled with little moments and quips that are only possible after years of buildup with these characters’ personalities. On the art side, Francesco Mortarino delivers with one of his most ambitious issues yet. Ambitious because of the shear amount of characters he has to draw while maintaining continuity with fellow artist Marco Renna on Mighty Morphin. The last three pages set up some serious groundwork for Marco to build on.

Do I have to say it again? I highly recommend this issue. Mainly because if you got this far, there’s no turning back!”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino with Ink Assistance by Christian Prunesti
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: Gerald Parel
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • 1:10 Incentive Cover: Gerald Parel
  • 1:15 Incentive Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Jorge Corona
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Jorge Corona
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 192

It’s time to Ranger Up with your hosts as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

Eric is joined by special guest co-hosts Rai (@CollectorShuki) from Geek Each Week (@geekeachweek), Ro (@RoliverQueen_) from the Comics Code UH-thority Podcast (@ComicsUhthority), Dr. Ben (@doctorbenMD), and Callum of the Lightning Collective Podcast (@prlcollective) to continue our review of Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers comics. We review the year of Unlimited Power.

We also discuss the news including Mighty Morphin Issue 14, new Power Rangers hats from New Era Cap and EOne’s Michael Lombardo interview mentioning the future of Power Rangers on Netflix.

Omega Now, Omega Forever!

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 192 – “Ranger Merch Review: Boom Studios Power Rangers Comics Part 11: Unlimited Power”

Audio Player



  • 0:00:00 – Intro and Podcast Topic
  • 0:04:07 – News – Comics Preview, New Era Cap, EOne on Power Rangers universe
  • 0:25:50 – Unlimited Power Review for Mighty Morphin 1-12
  • 1:06:00 – Unlimited Power Review for Power Rangers 1-12
  • 1:49:41 – Ranger Nation Answers

Links mentioned in show:

COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 14

On Wednesday, December 8th, Mighty Morphin Issue 14 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown last week.

With the destruction of Zordon’s tube, the Mighty Morphin team seeks new allies to help them in the Eltarian War. But with Lord Zedd at their back and the Eltarian Supreme Leader gathering his forces to launch a massive attack on the Earth, can the Rangers survive being surrounded on all sides?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“The Eltarian War is in full swing after the explosive events of Power Rangers Issue 13. In Mighty Morphin Issue 14 we regroup with all of the Rangers, both on Earth and the ones who retreated to Safe Haven. 

As a cautionary piece of advice seen in the preview, Kimberly tells Jason not to make the same mistakes of Zordon. Throughout the run of Power Rangers, Jason has been struggling with his choices and questioning his leadership. I think any person in a leadership position goes through these types of doubts at some point, and it’s easy to forget that the Rangers are all still teenagers. The issue also deals with Zordon confronting his mistakes and doubts with the help of Billy, Yale and the spirit of the Blue Emissary. The parallels between Zordon and Jason don’t go unnoticed. Their misunderstandings go all the way back to the first few issues at the start of Unlimited Power.

What I love about this story and this issue in particular is Zordon. There is a powerful moment where Zordon takes someone else’s advice for once, proving that even wise sages can still learn after 10,000 years. It’s a very well written scene that shows how vulnerable Zordon can be at one of the lowest moments in his incredibly long life. I also loved that the split in the groups gives characters who haven’t seen each other in awhile a chance to reconnect and work together. Writer Ryan Parrott has done a fantastic job of reconnecting characters in this issue, emphasizing how important teamwork is to the core of the franchise. Not just old friends, but unlikely teamups with enemies.

I say it in every review, but the art team of Marco Renna and Walter Baiamonte are incredible. There are a few locations in this issue – both ethereal and real – each one of them with a rich color profile that sets them apart. Marco does a brilliant job of packing the issue with characters rich in emotion.

As always, I will recommend that readers continue engaging this exciting story. For new readers – jump on those trades and catch up! This is an exciting arc that is earned with everything that has come before it.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

    • Main Cover: InHyuk Lee
    • Legacy Variant Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Incentive Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Keyla Valerio
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Keyla Valerio
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales

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COMIC REVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 13

On Wednesday, November 17th, Power Rangers Issue 13 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown last week.

The Omega Rangers, including their unexpected savior the NEW Blue Omega Ranger, race against time to beat the impending Empyreal threat to Earth. But can they deliver the critical secret they’ve uncovered to Zordon before it’s too late? Or will the Empyreals destroy the Omega Rangers, their allies, and everything they hold dear?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“The Eltarian War kicked off last week in Mighty Morphin Issue 13, but in this issue of Power Rangers the stakes haven’t been as high since Shattered Grid. Yes, you heard right. The last half of this issue will leave Power Rangers fan wondering how the Mighty Morphin and Omega Ranger teams will recover.

From the preview pages below, you can see Jason, Trini and Zack are back on Safehaven thanks to Yale and the Master Arch. Arkon is back and can completely understand Yale, a source of much amusement as the only thing Yale can say is ‘Meow’. This won’t be the last joke about Yale being a cat ranger in this story, as writer Ryan Parrott blends humor and quick quips with the heaviness of the events towards the end. The rest of the issue sees the continuation from last week, a return to both series directly playing off of each other.

This sees the return of artist Francesco Mortarino drawing the Mighty Morphin team, much like his run in Go Go Power Rangers part of Necessary Evil. It’s a nice visual continuity, but with Francesco’s evolved art since that time period. And the art is stunning with intense battles featuring every ranger from both teams. There are many characters in this issue, including Zartus’ Eltarian forces and every character gets their due both in writing and art.

Do not let this issue be spoiled for you. The ending is one of the best cliffhangers in this run and really leaves me wondering how things will get resolved.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: Gerald Parel
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • 1:10 Incentive Cover: Gerald Parel
  • 1:15 Incentive Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Yejin Park
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Yejin Park
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales

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Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 191

It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 as he talks all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!

In this episode, Eric gets to interview Hasbro’s Power Rangers team after Hasbro PulseCon 2021 with John Warden (Product Design) and Jon Firestone (Global Brand Marketing). We discuss the technology and design of the Lord Zedd helmet, when 3D sculpting is used over ink jet technology for portraits, Shelby’s missing Dino Saber, inconsistences and errors in the Lightning Collection and more.

Then, Eric once again talks with writer Ryan Parrott about the end of Unlimited Power with Power Rangers Issues 11-12 and Mighty Morphin Issues 11-12. We also discuss Mighty Morphin Issue 13, the start of the Eltarian War. There are major spoilers so make sure you read the latest issues!

May the Power Protect You.

Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 191 – “Ranger Command Interview – Hasbro Power Rangers Team and Ryan Parrott”

Audio Player




  • 0:00:00 – Intro and Interview with Hasbro’s Power Rangers Team
  • 0:19:36 – Interview with Ryan Parrott – Intro and what Ryan was most proud of in Unlimited Power
  • 0:24:56 – Power Rangers Issues 11-12
  • 0:55:00 – Mighty Morphin Issues 11-12
  • 1:36:27 – The Eltarian War – Mighty Morphin Issue 13

Links mentioned in show:

COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 13

On Wednesday, November 10th, Mighty Morphin Issue 13 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown last month.

It’s all been building up to this, the inevitable showdown between the Power Rangers and their allies against the biggest threat they’ve ever faced – the Empyreals. And yet, the shocking conclusion of the first year of Mighty Morphin may have ended the war before it even began by decimating the very heart of the Power Rangers.  Can the Rangers move past their betrayals in order to save Earth and the universe itself? Acclaimed Power Rangers writer Ryan Parrott, along with artist Marco Renna, debuts the Power Rangers event that will decide the fate of every Power Ranger across the universe – THE ELTARIAN WAR!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“After a year of setup in Unlimited Power, The Eltarian War has kicked off and nothing will be the same. Considered by writer Ryan Parrott to be the third act or the story (listen to our upcoming interview on November 13th), the Eltarian War delivers with higher stakes and tense moments not only on the battlefield but between characters.

From the preview pages, the story of Lord Zedd’s rise continues as he obliterates a tribe of wizard monks on the planet Ilvayx. It makes sense that Lord Zedd would learn more of the mystical arts or magic opposed to the Elterian reliance on technology and science. Moving to the present, Billy is on the run after Supreme Guardian Zartus has seemingly destroyed Zordon. What follows in this issue is a great start to this new arc. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the cliffhanger of Kimberly, Adam and Rocky facing off against Sentry Force Four is resolved in spectacular fashion.

Overall, writer Ryan Parrott does a wonderful job upping the stakes while at the same time keeping the pacing of the issue even. Every character gets a moment to shine in tough situations and conversations. Artist Marco Renna has outdone himself with amazing action sequences that feel constantly kinetic and conversations mixed with emotions. Not to be outdone, the coloring team of Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli and Sara Antonellini is super vibrant. Even a fight in a rock quarry ends up being one of the most colorful in the issue. 

If you’ve been reading and are caught up on the comics, there is no point in stopping now! Highly recommended.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli and Sara Antonellini
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Incentive Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Mike Del Mundo
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Mike Del Mundo
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes

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COMIC REVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 12

On Wednesday, October 13th, Power Rangers Issue 12 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown last week.

As the Empyreals carry out their final task before the war is fully underway, the Rangers fight to survive the aftermath of their destruction on an alien planet. But will they be able to save both the universe and themselves from their devastating might? Or will they find themselves stranded without hope of survival?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Abandoned on an alien world, the Omega Rangers are in a hopeless situation.  In Power Rangers issue 12, the stakes are high after the destruction of the Yellow Emissary, the last Emissary. With Drakkon fully powered again and Xi being killed, what hope do the Omega Rangers have? Thankfully, this issue takes the time not only in answering some long standing questions from all the way back in MMPR 50, but also dealing with more immediate character arcs.

This is a more introspective issue with the Omega Rangers relying on each other to survive. They get frustrated at themselves and the situation, but they also laugh and cry together. Writer Ryan Parrott does a great job solidifying the friendship between Jason, Zack and Trini. While their friendship was already strong, the trials faced in this issue bringing them even closer together as teammates.

Artist Francesco Mortarino continues his stellar work on the series, turning what could’ve been a monotonous landscape of a dying planet into almost another character itself. Pairing that with colors from Raúl Angulo and this issue is vibrant, exploding with colors and some great texture in the line work.

With the end of the Unlimited Power arc, next month brings the Eltarian War. This past year long arc has set a lot of pieces on the board… let the games begin.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo with color assistance by Jose Enrique Fernández
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: Gerald Parel
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • 1:10 Incentive Cover: Gerald Parel
  • 1:15 Incentive Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Yejin Park
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Yejin Park
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes

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COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 12

On Wednesday, October 6th, Mighty Morphin Issue 12 will be released from Boom Studios. An exclusive first look of this issue was shown last month.

Rescued by the Power Rangers, Candice reveals there’s a deeper threat to Earth than previously realized! The revelation will force Zordon to grapple with his ancient past and for the sake of Earth, make a plea to a potential ally no one expects. But Tommy takes matters into his own hands which leads him to a collision course with his former allies!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“For one year, it’s all been building towards this moment. Unlimited Power draws to a close to make room for next month’s arc – The Eltarian War. The start of this issue actually begins in the middle of issue 11, right after Zartus’ conversation with Tommy. If you were confused about Zelya’s sudden appearance, this issue clears up that part of the timeline. I actually enjoy what writer Ryan Parrott has been doing the last few issues by subverting expectations and changing the way the story unfolds to keep readers on their toes. 

There is a lot to unpack this issue, with conversations between multiple characters that have long been overdue. It’s one of the aspects of the comics that I love, realistic personal stakes and feelings. After all, the Power Rangers are teenagers; they’ve had to grow up faster than most in their class with the tremendous responsibility they have as Rangers. But also, this arc has been about the past for Zordon and Zedd and how it affects the present in this building conflict. Decisions that are thousands of years old are still shaping the fate of the universe.

All of this leads to a spectacular cliffhanger, with one of the best lines in the series of the comics. Kudos to Ryan Parrott for a satisfying lead up to the next arc. But Ryan is not alone, with artist Marco Renna continuing to produce some great art for Mighty Morphin. Juggling so many set pieces and characters is no small feat, but he gives them all the attention they deserve. Walter Baiamonte’s colors really pop in this issue, with each setting and conversation using a different color theme. Ed Dukeshire is not praised enough for his lettering work in this series. There are so many unique effects, my favorite in this issue being the “SCHWWT” towards the end.

I can’t recommend this issue enough. While this arc has felt like it has dragged on at times, it’s the careful build up that really makes issues like this impactful.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli and Sara Antonellini
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Incentive Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Javier Fernandez
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Javier Fernandez
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales

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COMIC REVIEW – Power Rangers Issue 11

On Wednesday, September 15th, Power Rangers Issue 11 will be released from Boom Studios. Our exclusive first look of this issue was shown last month.

Will the Omega Rangers be able to enlist the last Emissary to help to defeat the Empyreals? The Omega Rangers attempt to question the enigmatic Yellow Emissary, who may know the secret of the Empyreals’ undoing. But even if they can convince the Yellow Emissary to help, it may be too late if Drakkon isn’t on the same page…  The fate of the Omega Rangers and the Yellow Emissary hang in the balance as they all fight for their lives!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Power Rangers issue 11 is another big step into the next phase of the comic series. With the task of wrapping up the ‘Unlimited Power’ arc, and laying the groundwork for the upcoming ‘Eltarian War’, Power Rangers issue 11 has a lot riding on it, but it delivers. As seen in the preview, the Omega Rangers are seeking the guidance of the Yellow Emissary, but he sends them a warning instead. 

What happens in the rest of the issue is pretty crazy, with some revelations I should have seen coming, but was still shocking. If you seen future solicitation covers, you’ll know. We learn some new information about the origin of the Empyreals and the Omega Rangers are caught up to speed on what’s happening with Zartus. 

The Empyreals being evil counterpoints to the Emissaries is not new in terms of literature. The balance of good and evil in fiction has been explored many ways, but the cosmic forces in Power Rangers have not been explored in great detail. The big twist in this issue makes sense when you are dealing with gods that wield immense power. Writer Ryan Parrott has tied things full circle and the slow burn story-telling is finally paying off. Artist Francesco Mortarino continues to do a phenomenal job on the series. 

Once again, if you have been reading the series you’re not going to stop – or at least you shouldn’t with an important issue like this. Pick this one up next Wednesday!”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raúl Angulo with color assistance by Jose Enrique Fernández
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: Gerald Parel
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • 1:10 Incentive Cover: Gerald Parel
  • 1:15 Incentive Cover: Daniele di Nicuolo
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Yejin Park
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Yejin Park
  • Incentive Cover: Rian Gonzales

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COMIC REVIEW – Mighty Morphin Issue 11

On Wednesday, September 9th, Mighty Morphin Issue 11 will be released from Boom Studios. A first look of this issue was shown last month.

As the Power Rangers and their new allies, the Eltarian Guardians, prepare to rescue Candice from Lord Zedd, elements of Zordon’s past begin to collide with the present. Will old loyalties and rivalries lead Zordon, and in turn the Power Rangers, into ruin? Or will they be able to right the wrongs of the past and save Earth in the process?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

With last month’s huge reveal that Zophram of Eltar became Lord Zedd, this issue opens up with another flashback directly after those events. I am glad to see that the flashback have shifted to Lord Zedd’s creation. This is as much his story as Zordon’s. I love the art in this flashback because it feels slightly different from the rest of this issue with a darker color scheme from Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli and Sara Antonellini. Marco Renna continues to impress with the visuals. This whole issue visits a number of locations, including an Eltarian ship commanded by Zartus. The details packed into these locations is impressive, as is the rest of the issue artistically.

As seen in the first look, we are also introduced to Sentry Force Four: Zenith, Zero-Zero, Zeta and Zag. These are Supreme Guardian Zartus’ elite unit of warriors. This issue is packed with information and we do get introduced to these characters fairly quickly, but in an effective manner to get to know a bit of their personalities. My personal favorite is Zero-Zero, but I know a lot of people will enjoy Zag as well. You’ll have to read the issue to find out why!

Overall, Ryan Parrott is crafting a real epic with the first year of this story. The next phase, the Eltarian War, starts with issue 13 in November and if this issue is any indication, we are in for some massive developments. I am enjoying the build up now that the pieces are falling into place and seeing where the battle lines are drawn. I can not wait for more!”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte with Color Assistance by Katia Ranalli and Sara Antonellini
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:

  • Main Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Legacy Variant Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: InHyuk Lee
  • Incentive Cover: Eleonora Carlini
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes
  • FOC Reveal Cover: Elizabeth Torque
  • FOC Reveal Incentive Cover: Elizabeth Torque
  • Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes

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