Power Rangers Shattered Survivor: Good vs. Evil – LIVE TONIGHT!

Power Rangers Survivor is BACK!

In this fourth iteration, hosts Eric and Doug are doing something special, we’re going LIVE! Join us this evening on National Power Rangers Day for Power Rangers Shattered Survivor: Good vs. Evil.

Can Good overcome Evil in this timeless battle? Will Evil prevail over Good in a shocking twist? We are leaving it in the hands of our listeners as YOU become the final Jury vote.

Starting tonight at 7pm CST, watch the season unfold in a battle to Outplay, Outwit and Outlast!


Power Rangers Shattered Survivor Power Rangers Shattered Survivor

Talkin’ Ranger Toku Command: The Final Crossover Promo

With the end of the Talkin’ Toku Podcast (@talkintoku) in sight, it’s only fitting that one last journey is taken with Ranger Command Power Hour.

We are proud to present the promo for Talkin’ Toku Ranger Toku Command: The Final Crossover, coming December 26th.



Click the above image for a full hi-res version. Special thanks to Chris (@rankal) for cutting together the promo and Mere (@nightmere10) and Lee (@monkieranger) for lending their voice talents to the clip.

International Podcast Day 2015

RCPH Podcast Day

Ranger Command Power Hour is celebrating International Podcast Day. #PodcastDay is a day to celebrate all of your favorite shows and share them with the people around you, listen to a new podcast, and support the show your already love. We couldn’t do this without our listeners, so here is a thank you message from host @Trekkieb47.

Thanks again and tune in this Saturday for a brand new episode!

Talkin Ranger Toku Command Summer Special Promo

Talkin Ranger Toku Command Crossover Graphic

Two podcasts. One destiny. Coming May 2014 – Part One in Ranger Command Power Hour, Part Two in Talkin Toku At the Nation.

Promo 1:


Promo 2: