New Power Rangers products from Saban Brand partners

Last week we received a package of goodies from Saban Brands as part of the Power Force.

Below you’ll find product information for all of the items we received. Click to view pictures at maximum size.


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Power Rangers Feature Film Release Date Changed!

Last year Saban Brands and Lionsgate announced a tentative date for the Power Rangers feature film of July 22, 2016. When Roberto Orci left as Executive Producer, Ranger Nation began to speculate if the movie would still be released on that date.

Now, Deadline is reporting that the new release date is Martin Luther King Jr. weekend of 2017, January 13th.

Update 12-17-2015: Variety reports the movie’s new release date is March 24th, 2017. Confirmed by the movie’s Instagram account.

This gives recently announced director Dean Israelite some more time to complete the movie.

Power-Rangers-Movie-Date January

The Loyal Subjects MMPR Figures Release Party

Saban Brands and The Loyal Subjects are celebrating the launch of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Wave 1 vinyl figures at Alternate Universe Comics in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 9 and they want you to join them!

See below for the official invite.

Guests can look forward to:

  • In-store appearance and signings by figures designer Joe Allard
  • Food from Village Tavern
  • Tasty beverages
  • Tunes by Spencer
  • Fun giveaways throughout the evening
  • And more!
  • Cosplayers are also happily welcomed! UPDATE: The first 25 Power Rangers cosplayers who arrive at the release party will receive a FREE door prize from The Loyal Subjects!

The Wave 1 collection features fan-favorite heroes and villains including Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Lord Zedd, Green Ranger, Pink Ranger, Red Ranger, one Mystery Ranger and two Chase Figures. The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers vinyl figures will be available for purchase at Alternate Universe Comics and are currently available for pre-sale online at

The Loyal Subjects Release Party Invite

What: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Wave 1 Release Party
When: Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m.
Alternate Universe Comics
1498 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Power Rangers Dash Now Available!

Power Rangers Dash Logo full

Thanks to Saban Brands, the newest Power Rangers mobile game, Power Rangers Dash, launched on Google Play yesterday.

Download the new game now at:

iPhone users – the iOS version is coming soon, so don’t worry! In the meantime, play Power Rangers Unite!

Power Rangers Dash

Power Rangers Dash 2

Power Rangers Dash 3Power Rangers Dash 4

Power Rangers in The Rockettes’ New York Spring Spectacular

Rockettes with Power Rangers

The Red and Pink Dino Charge Power Rangers will be guest starring in the Rockettes’ New York Spring Spectacular! The stunning musical event will take place at New York’s famed Radio City Music Hall and runs from Thursday, March 26, through Sunday, May 3, 2015.

For the first time ever, the Red and Pink Power Rangers will make their EPIC debut in this all-new show, created by an Oscar and Tony Award-winning team and featuring the Rockettes, Tony-nominee Laura Benanti, and Derek Hough from Dancing with the Stars. The show is a whirlwind adventure set across the city that tells an inspiring and hopeful story about three New Yorkers who change each other’s lives in unexpectedly wonderful ways.

The two Rangers are sure to bring dino-charged action to the sensational show, which includes invigorating new Rockettes dance numbers, incredible 3D special effects, sophisticated large-scale puppetry and an exciting soundtrack of original songs, classics and pop hits. The New York Spring Spectacular is as rejuvenating, energetic and uplifting as spring itself – and a reminder that while things may change, nothing can take away the timeless magic and romance of the one and only New York City!

POWER FORCE EXCLUSIVE: The Team in Episode 7


Get ready to dig into Episode 7 of Power Rangers Dino Charge, “Let Sleeping Zords Lie”! Saban Brands has given Power Force members an exclusive behind-the-scenes still of the whole team at a new excavation site. Are they looking for new Energems?

Tune in this Saturday on Nick and see if they find one!

Click to download the full high res picture.

Episode 7 Let Sleeping Zords Lie

Power Rangers Unite Now Available!

Power Rangers Unite BannerA week ago we told you about the Power Rangers: Unite! mobile game beta access. Thanks to beta feedback from Ranger Nation and the Power Force, you can now play the full game!  

Go to to download Power Rangers: Unite in the iTunes App store. Android support is coming soon!

A special thanks to Saban Brands and Funtactix for giving Power Force members the first look at the game!

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Ty’s Toy Box Promo Code for Ranger Nation

Saban Brands‘ partners at Ty’s Toy Box would like to offer all of Ranger Nation a special promo code! Now through March 22nd, you can receive 20% off all customizable Power Rangers products by using the promo code, RANGERNATION. See below for all the details:

Promo Code: RangerNation
Discount: 20% off all Power Rangers products
Dates: Valid now through Sunday, March 22

Happy shopping and don’t forget Saban Brands’ other promotion with Pop Funk!

Power Rangers Promo

Power Rangers: Unite! Beta Access

Power Rangers Unite BannerA few months ago we told you about the new Power Rangers: Unite! mobile game.

Now you can sign up for the beta thanks to Saban Brands and Funtactix. 

Power Force members were given beta access before the general public, and I (@trekkieb47) can tell you it is a REALLY fun game!

Beta Graphic

POWER FORCE EXCLUSIVE: Koda & Tyler in Episode 6


Ready for Episode 6 of Power Rangers Dino Charge, “The Tooth Hurts”? Saban Brands has given Power Force members an exclusive behind-the-scenes still of Koda and Tyler in ACTION!

A monster capable of causing cavities attacks, meanwhile Riley feels as if Chase does not seem to approach the Rangers mission with any real degree of seriousness.

Tune in this Saturday on Nick and see who or what they are fighting!

Click to download the full high res picture.

Episode 6_Koda & Tyler