Power Rangers at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

The Power Rangers will once again be at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Don’t forget to tune in and catch the Red Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger soaring through the streets of New York in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this Thursday on NBC from 9 a.m.-12 p.m (eastern).

Saban Brands has given Power Force members at fun info-graphic  with some interesting facts about the construction of the Power Rangers Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon.


Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 19 Production Still


This Saturday a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 19, “Wishing for a Hero” premieres! Saban Brands has given Power Force members an exclusive behind-the-scenes still. The Dino Charge rangers are being attacked? Or something is blowing up? Either way, this is sure to be an explosive penultimate episode to the season.

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res picture.

Power Rangers Dino Charge production still

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 18 Production Stills


This Saturday a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 18, “Deep Down Under” premieres! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge rangers continue their adventures in New Zealand. Things get complicated when a new zord makes its debut and Fury is on the attack.

Tune in this Saturday, only on Nickelodeon!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

Power Rangers Dino Charge production still Power Rangers Dino Charge production still

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 17 Production Stills


Saturday is a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 17, “World Famous! (In New Zealand)Saban Brands has given Power Force members three exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge rangers head off to New Zealand to investigate Sledge’s transport pods appearing there, but encounter a new Power Ranger! Who is this mysterious ranger?

Tune in this Saturday only on Nick!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

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Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 16 Production Stills


Saturday is a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 16, “No Matter How You Slice It”Saban Brands has given Power Force members three exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. The Dino Charge team is trying to have a fun time at the sand dunes only to be attacked by Sledge’s latest monster! It’s up to Riley and Koda to save the day.

Tune in this Saturday only on Nick!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

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Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 15 Production Stills


Saturday is a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 15, “Rise of a Ranger”! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. Why are the Rangers having a meeting with Prince Phillip? And what causes them to race into action?

Tune in this Saturday only on Nick!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

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Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Halloween Special Production Still


Saturday is a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, the Halloween Special, “The Ghostest with The Mostest”! Saban Brands has given Power Force members an exclusive behind-the-scenes still. Once again we have a picture of Kendall, this time dressed up for Halloween!

What spooky surprises await the rangers? Tune in this Saturday at Noon EST/11AM CST only on Nick to find out!

Click to download the full high res picture.

Halloween Episode PRDC Production Still

Power Force Exclusive: Dino Charge Episode 14 Production Stills


Saturday is a brand new episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, episode 14, “True Black”! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. One picture shows Kendall taking some readings at the Ranger’s outdoor training area. And the other shows Chase Rangered up, ready to test a new weapon!

Tune in this Saturday only on Nick!

Click to download the full high res pictures.

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Power Rangers Reboot Movie Cast Announced


Earlier this afternoon (10/7/2015) in an email to the Power Force, Saban Brands informed us and Ranger Nation to follow the new Power Rangers Movie Instagram account for a casting announcement for the upcoming movie. We will update this post as more casting news is revealed!

Official Movie Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PowerRangersMovie

Update 3-3-2016: EW has a first look at the Movie Cast.


Update 12-17-2015: Variety reports the movie’s new release date is March 24th, 2017. Confirmed by the movie’s Instagram account.

10/7/2015 – Pink Ranger played by: Naomi Scott
IMDB – Instagram – Facebook – Twitter
Announcement Picture: https://instagram.com/p/8jJNikGznp/


10/20/2015 – Red Ranger played by: Dacre Montgomery
Announcement Picture: https://instagram.com/p/9E6Cx9mzg5


10/22/2015 – Black Ranger played by: Ludi Lin
Announcement Picture: https://instagram.com/p/9JdwZBGziq


10/23/2015 – Blue Ranger played by: RJ Cyler
Announcement Picture: https://instagram.com/p/9L6Gc3GzmK/


10/30/2015 – Yellow Ranger played by: Becky Gomez
Announcement Picture: https://instagram.com/p/9eEG94Gzk3/


2/2/2016 – RITA REPULSA played by: Elizabeth Banks
Announcement Picture: https://www.instagram.com/p/BBSq6_ZGzlL/

Power Rangers Elizabeth Banks

6/21/2016 – Zordon – Played by: Bryan Cranston
IMDB – Twitter
Announcement Picture: https://www.instagram.com/p/BG710O8Gzuq


9/22/2016 – Alpha 5 – Played by: Bill Hader
Announcement Picture: https://www.instagram.com/p/BKrSB9rgnyc/


Power Force Exclusive: Power Rangers 800th episode Production Stills

800 Episodes Logo

Saturday is 800th overall episode of Power Rangers and the 13th episode of Power Rangers Dino Charge, “Sync or Swim”! Saban Brands has given Power Force members two exclusive behind-the-scenes stills. Both show the new Gold Ranger, Ivan, adapting to modern life with the other Rangers.

Tune in this Saturday on Nick and and use the hashtag #PowerRangers800 to celebrate!

Click to download the full high res picture.

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