COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 53

On Wednesday, August 26th, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 53 will be released from Boom Studios.

Lord Zedd has released his greatest creation yet-the ALL NEW DARK RANGERS; Baboo, Goldar, Squat, Finster and Rita Repulsa, powered by the Green Chaos Crystal, against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! What is the full extent of Lord Zedd’s master plan?

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Hell hath no fury like a Rita scorned…

In last month’s issue, the ending revealed Rita Repulsa’s return, but what was the twist? In the continuity of the show and the comic, Rita is still flying around in her Space Dumpster… and that remains the case. It seems that Finster has created the ultimate Putty version of Rita, as seen in these preview pages. As Zedd notes, her experience and abilities are intact with none of her flaws. Later in the issue, readers will find out what also makes so formidable without those “flaws”.

What is great about this new development is that it is a callback to the more intelligent putty that was part of Ryan Parrott’s early Go Go Power Rangers run. These references to past issues really highlight how many stories have been told in over four years of the comics. Much like the return of Violet from that same prom arc, these elements make the comic universe more interconnected with a strong internal continuity. Long time readers are rewarded if they remember, and if they don’t, it’s a perfect time to reread past issues. 

With two issues left until the end of this series, writer Ryan Parrott is not holding anything back to set up the relaunch of the two new ongoing series coming in November. The re-energizing of the Dragon Coin was not something I expected just yet, but it helps the final arc with pacing. I don’t think we will have a rushed ending. Artist Moisés Hidalgo continues to impress with every issue. Seeing the Dark Rangers in action is a real treat and gives us yet another morphing sequence this will impress. Issue 53, The Dark Rangers, finally redeems Lord Zedd’s first attempt at evil rangers seen in the television show with style. Highly recommended!”

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #53
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Moisés Hidalgo
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte, with Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Foil Variant Cover: Goñi Montes
Incentive Cover: Kris Anka
Variant Cover: Jamal Campbell
Price: $3.99

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NEWS – ALL NEW Power Rangers Lightning Collection Wave 6 Action Figures!

Wave 6 of the Power Rangers Lightning Collection was officially announced today during Hasbro’s first Fan First Friday livestream  for Power Rangers– New Power Rangers Lightning Collection Zeo Red Ranger, Mighty Morphin Black Ranger, In Space Yellow Ranger and Mighty Morphin Goldar 6-inch figures are now available for pre-order on Hasbro Pulse!

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: 9/1/2020)

IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From the BEAST MORPHERS back to the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, the POWER RANGERS have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to fans. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles, and roleplay toys from Hasbro. Imagine all the action of POWER RANGERS with toys from Hasbro! This 6-inch LIGHTNING COLLECTION ZEO RED Ranger figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by the show, over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, swappable heads to display the Ranger with or without his helmet, Zeo Power Pod Sword, Zeo Power Sword, and Zeo Laser Pistol accessories, blast effect piece, and an extra pair of hands for more ways to play or display. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on


(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: 9/1/2020)

Zack Taylor is an easygoing teenager with attitude who becomes the original Black Power Ranger. This 6-inch LIGHTNING COLLECTION MIGHTY MORPHIN BLACK RANGER figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by the show, over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, swappable heads to display the Ranger with or without his helmet, Power Axe and Blade Blaster accessories, blast effect piece, and an extra pair of hands for more ways to play or display. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on


(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: 9/1/2020)

The kind-hearted and optimistic Ashley Hammond leaves the Earth to protect the universe as the Yellow Power Ranger. This 6-inch LIGHTNING COLLECTION IN SPACE YELLOW RANGER figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by the show, over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, swappable heads to display the Ranger with or without her helmet, Star Slinger and Astro Blaster accessories, blast effect piece, and an extra pair of hands for more ways to play or display. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on


(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: 9/1/2020)

Goldar is Rita Repulsa’s number one general, dedicated to destroying the Power Rangers. This 6-inch LIGHTNING COLLECTION MIGHTY MORPHIN GOLDAR figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by the show, over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, character-inspired sword accessory, blast effect piece, and an extra pair of hands for more ways to play or display. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on

COMIC PREVIEW – Drakkon New Dawn Issue 1

On Wednesday, August 19th, POWER RANGERS: Drakkon New Dawn Issue 1 will be released from Boom Studios.

After the shocking events of Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1, Kimberly is determined to purge the terrifying hold that Drakkon has had over her world, starting with Deadlock; the prison tower where Drakkon held all those who opposed him. But even the Ranger Slayer has no clue of the true power kept in Deadlock—and what unlocking the doors will set into motion. As Kimberly investigates the worst of Drakkon’s secrets, she sets in motion Drakkon’s final plan—one that will pit her against a fan-favorite Power Rangers villain like you’ve never seen them before!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“After last month’s Ranger Slayer #1 one-shot, the door was left wide open for a new writer to pick up the reigns of the continuing saga of Kimberly Hart. And I am happy to say that this feels like a more personal story for Kim than the one-shot. As readers, we hear more of her internal dialogue, her thought process of being a reluctant leader.

This first issue sets up this mini-series in a grand way – a new location to explore, a new potential ally and a new threat. There is some backstory for Lord Drakkon that might make you wonder about part of the timeline of events before “Shattered Grid”. With two more issues to go, I hope we get some clarity. How it relates to the events happening in this issue is not a top priority for the story, but it should be resolved for greater clarity in the comics universe.

Writer Anthony Burch is not a stranger to Power Rangers comics, or to Lord Drakkon – he wrote the Power Rangers RPM story in the Shattered Grid Annual. Burch also has written for BOOM! Studios before with the “Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack” series. And if you’ve enjoyed the writing in League of Legends, Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and Tales from the Borderlands – you’ll enjoy some great one-liners and quips in Drakkon New Dawn.

As for the art, Simone Ragazzoni is the latest artist in a series of great artists to work on Power Rangers. The artwork feels more like a watercolor painting with Raúl Angulo’s coloring pairing well with Ragazzoni’s soft line work.

Overall, Drakkon New Dawn continues Ranger Slayer’s personal journey as she faces threats that hit closer to home. With tough calls and hard decisions to make, Ranger Slayer will be put to the test in the next two issues and I can’t wait to see how she grows.”

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Anthony Burch
Artist: Simone Ragazzoni
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jung-Geun Yoon
Foil Variant Cover: Goñi Montes
Variant Covers: Dan Mora
Price: $4.99

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Your First Look at POWER RANGERS: DRAKKON NEW DAWN #1 From BOOM! Studios
Discover the Shocking Consequences for Kimberly Hart In Her Return To Lord Drakkon’s Universe in August 2020

LOS ANGELES, CA (August 7, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), today revealed a first look at POWER RANGERS: DRAKKON NEW DAWN #1, the premiere issue of a three-issue limited series, from writer Anthony Burch (Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack), artist Simone Ragazzoni (Odessa), colorist Raúl Angulo and letterer Ed Dukeshire. This all-new series, scheduled to arrive in stores August 2020, finds Ranger Slayer – Kimberly Hart, Drakkon’s mightiest warrior—fighting against the deadly secrets of her former master’s legacy.

After the shocking events of Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1, Kimberly is determined to purge the terrifying hold that Drakkon has had over her world, starting with Deadlock; the prison tower where Drakkon held all those who opposed him. But even the Ranger Slayer has no clue of the true power kept in Deadlock—and what unlocking the doors will set into motion. As Kimberly investigates the worst of Drakkon’s secrets, she sets in motion Drakkon’s final plan—one that will pit her against a fan-favorite Power Rangers villain like you’ve never seen them before!

Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 27 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest running kids’ live-action series in television history with nearly 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the franchise celebrates its 27th season, “Power Rangers Beast Morphers” currently airing on Saturdays at 8 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon in the U.S.

Print copies of POWER RANGERS: Drakkon New Dawn #1 are scheduled to be available on August 19, 2020 at local comic book shops (use to find the nearest one), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.

Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios are available now, everywhere books are sold.

For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.

For more on Power Rangers, please visit and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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NEWS – Power Rangers Lightning Collection Press Images Dino Charge Black Ranger Figure

Energize and release the power! Hasbro has revealed an all-new 6-inch action figure from the Power Rangers Dino Charge series – The Power Rangers Lightning Collection Dino Charge Black Ranger!


(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: 7/26/2020)

IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From the BEAST MORPHERS back to the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, the POWER RANGERS have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to fans. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles, and roleplay toys from Hasbro. Imagine all the action of POWER RANGERS with toys from Hasbro!

The LIGHTNING COLLECTION DINO CHARGE BLACK RANGER features premium painted details and design inspired by the POWER RANGERS DINO CHARGE series and includes alternate hands, Dino Blade Blaster and Dino Saber accessories, blast effect piece, and swappable heads (one of the Ranger in his helmet and one without). Chase Randall has a laid-back personality but joins the Power Rangers team as the Parasaurolophus-powered Black Ranger. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Available NOW at Target (in store pick up only).

COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 52

On Wednesday, July 29th, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 52 will be released from Boom Studios.

As tensions rise between the OMEGA RANGERS and the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS over the return of <SPOILER>, Kimberly takes it upon herself to interrogate their new prisoner. Meanwhile, a team of Rangers on a crucial intergalactic mission come face to face with the herald of a new threat heading straight for Earth!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Not one, but two issues of the main comic this month? I am not complaining. After Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Issue 51 and Ranger Slayer Issue 1, BOOM! Studios has bounced back this month after delays from the pandemic.

Last month, we called this the “Aftermath” arc, but it turns out issues 51-55 will all be individually titled. That’s a nice change of pace as these last 5 issues set up the big comic split coming later this fall. In “Enemy of my Enemy”, we see the return of the Omega Rangers. The pacing of the issue is slowed down, as there is a split of focus between the Mighty Morphin team and the Omega Rangers. We even get more time with the Stone Canyon trio at Angel Grove High. I was even surprised by the return of a side character we have not seen in awhile! This slow down of pacing is what Ryan Parrott has mentioned before and it helps to take a breather after the universe ending events last arc.

Moisés Hidalgo continues to impress with his artwork. There’s a nice continuity between his style and Daniele Di Nicuolo’s art from Necessary Evil. The action is cranked up towards the end of this issue which sets the stakes for the remaining issues in this run.

Highly recommended!”


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #52
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Moisés Hidalgo
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte, with Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Foil Variant Cover: Goñi Montes
Incentive Cover: Kris Anka
Variant Cover: Jamal Campbell
Price: $3.99

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NEWS – ALL NEW Power Rangers Lightning Collection Lord Drakkon Evo III Action Figure

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/Available: September 2020)

IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From the BEAST MORPHERS back to the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, the POWER RANGERS have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to fans. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles, and roleplay toys from Hasbro. Imagine all the action of POWER RANGERS with toys from Hasbro!

This 6-inch LIGHTNING COLLECTION MIGHTY MORPHIN LORD DRAKKON EVO III Figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by BOOM! Studios comics story line Shattered Grid, with over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, and comes with damaged Power Ranger helmets, multiple other character-inspired accessories, and blast effect piece for more ways to play or display. The evil Lord Drakkon keeps the helmets of defeated Power Rangers as his trophies, displaying them by his throne to strike fear into the hearts of those who would oppose him. The figure transforms from Evolution to Evolution as he gains more power, eventually becoming a Black Ranger, reflecting Tommy’s final Ranger form as Dino Thunder Black. GO GO POWER RANGERS! Look for more collectibles in the LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Each sold separately. Item will be available exclusively on Hasbro Pulse in the US & Canada in September of this year. Stay tuned for more details!

Additional out of package images can be found at IGN.

COMIC PREVIEW – Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1

On Wednesday, July 22nd, POWER RANGERS RANGER SLAYER #1 will be released from Boom Studios.

The Ranger Slayer – AKA Kimberly Hart, the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger from the alternate universe once ruled by Lord Dakkon – returns home and nothing is like she expected. In a world that only knows her as a villain, can Kimberly show her universe that she’s become a hero…and is that even the right thing to do? Confronted by a terrifying new version of an old enemy, and with her home in chaos, Kimberly will make a stunning choice that no Power Rangers fan can miss. This issue is also a perfect jumping on point for new readers – and sets the stage for the next Power Rangers epic!

Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:

“Ranger Slayer #1 is a unique one shot for Power Rangers. It continues the story of Kim, the Ranger Slayer, from her last appearance heading home through the Master Arch as seen at the end of MMPR Issue 50. Ranger Slayer #1 is not only continuing that journey for the character, but sets up the upcoming 3-issue miniseries “Drakkon New Dawn”.

For such a pivotal comic, not only does it have to bridge that gap, but also serve as a self contained story. Does it succeed? In my opinion… yes and no.

The world of the Coinless is six months out from Drakkon’s disappearance in Shattered Grid. The power vacuum has been filled by an old enemy of the Power Rangers (Scorpina – she’s on the cover…), consistent with their last appearance in the comics and even through HyperRPG’s Power Rangers Hyperforce. As always, I won’t spoil the issue in this review, but I enjoyed the interactions with the Coinless and Kim becoming a reluctant leader. That’s consistent with how she felt during Beyond the Grid and it’s nice to see here.

There are also plenty of callbacks to events in Shattered Grid, but it may get confusing for casual readers considering how that aarc ended. Even as a diehard reader of the comics, I had to go back and reread certain events to make sure I had the timeline straight. I was also slightly disappointed of the final resolution in the one shot. There’s a trend I am starting to see throughout the past year of Power Rangers comics that is becoming slightly tired, but I am willing to see where the new status quo takes readers for Drakkon New Dawn.

Dan Mora returns to Power Rangers for this one-shot, and the art is the highlight of this issue. Mora takes a standard 9-grid comic layout approach to Ranger Slayer #1 and it just works. The art reminds me of Hendry Prasetya’s early run during MMPR, which is fitting since that’s where we saw the Coinless world for the first time. The sketchy nature of the inks make the World of the Coinless feel dirty and war-torn, appropriate for the tone of the issue.

Overall, this is still a crucial issue for the upcoming mini-series. I look forward to more of Ranger Slayer’s journey in the coming months.”

Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Dan Mora
Colorist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Variant Covers: Dan Mora
Foil Variant Cover: Goñi Montes
Spoiler Cover: Jen Bartel
Price: $7.99

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NEWS – Power Rangers UNLIMITED POWER Era Begins with POWER RANGERS #1 in November 2020

Two New Series. Two New Teams. A New Beginning For All Power Rangers Is Here!

LOS ANGELES, CA (July 14, 2020) – BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), today announced a brand new series, POWER RANGERS from superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and acclaimed artist Francesco Mortarino (Firefly: The Sting), launching in conjunction with the brand new Mighty Morphin series. Two New Series. Two New Teams. The Era of UNLIMITED POWER begins HERE — and only Lord Drakkon, their greatest enemy, can save the Power Rangers!

POWER RANGERS #1 reveals a new cosmic threat that only the original Power Rangers, now known as the Omega Rangers – Jason, Trini and Zack – can hope to defeat! But their secret weapon is… the villainous Lord Drakkon?! Zordon forbids the Omega Rangers from contacting Drakkon, so if they want to save the universe then they’ll have to go rogue – and go up against their Mighty Morphin allies.

New York Times bestselling author Ryan Parrott is a comic book and screenwriter based out of Los Angeles. A graduate of Chapman University, Parrott has written for television series NBC’s Revolution and Hulu’s Chance. Parrott is also known for his work on DC Comics’ Batman: Gates of Gotham, IDW’s Star Trek comic book series, including Starfleet Academy, Boldly Go, and Manifest Destiny, Dynamite’s Death to the Army of Darkness, and his creator-owned projects Volition, Oberon, and Dead Day with Aftershock Comics. He is currently the writer for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with BOOM! Studios.

“We’ve spent several years building out the Power Rangers comic book universe and continuing the adventures of the Omega Rangers gives us a chance to fully explore it beyond the confines of the show. Not only can we add more heroes and villains but we can also bring in elements from future seasons viewed through the lens of familiar characters,” said Parrott. “It’s very exciting to explore new corners of the Power Rangers universe that fans have always imagined – and also never expected!”

Francesco Mortarino is an Italian cartoonist who graduated from the Comics School of Milano. He started working at Sergio Bonelli Editore on the comic series Nathan Never and made his US comics debut on Jupiter’s Circle for Image Comics, soon working on other projects like Dungeon & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate for IDW. Mortarino has worked on high profile BOOM! Studios series including Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Firefly: Bad Company.

“A year and a half ago, I helped illustrate Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #33, and now I’m drawing the first issue of the new POWER RANGERS series! I’m very proud to be a part of this new era with Ryan and BOOM! Studios,” said Mortarino. “I know that many readers are waiting to see where the new team’s adventures will take them. As a fan myself, I can’t wait to show everyone exactly what I’ve been working on. It’ll blow your minds!”

Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 27 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest running kids’ live-action series in television history with nearly 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the franchise celebrates its 27th season, “Power Rangers Beast Morphers” currently airing on Saturdays at 8 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon in the U.S.

The hit comic book series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers launched in 2016 at BOOM! Studios, outselling nearly every other comic book in its month of release. The series went on to launch numerous hit spin off series like Go Go Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The series concludes in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55, on-sale in October, which also features the first appearance of the All New Green Ranger.

“Lord Drakkon is back but will he save the Power Rangers…or does he have a darker plan in mind?” said Dafna Pleban, Senior Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Introducing the Omega Rangers allowed us to reveal a huge piece of Power Rangers history – and POWER RANGERS #1 answer questions you never thought to ask!”

Fans who attend the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Future is Now Panel on July 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm PT on the Comic-Con@Home website will get a very special preview of never-before-seen art as well as behind-the-scenes information about the series and what’s in store for readers! More details at

Print copies of POWER RANGERS #1 are scheduled to be available in November 2020 at local comic book shops (use to find the nearest one), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.

Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios are available now, everywhere books are sold

For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.

For more on Power Rangers, please visit and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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NEWS – Robert “RJ” James joins Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Season 3 Out Now

Battle For The Grid Season 3 Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Now Playable in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the fan-favorite fighting game from developer nWay, in partnership with Hasbro and Lionsgate, today announced the release of its first character for Season 3: Robert “RJ” James, also known as Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger.

Players can digitally purchase the new character on PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, Steam or Stadia for $5.99 or the full Season 3 Pass for $14.99, which includes RJ and two additional new characters, along with a bonus character skin that is exclusive to the Season Pass. With the exception of the additional Season 3 characters that will be available in the coming months, most of Season 3’s content — both paid and free — are available today.

Available Today:

  • New Character: Robert “RJ” James, Jungle Fury Purple Ranger ($5.99) – Courageous as a wolf, Robert “RJ” James joins as the Jungle Fury Rangers’ mentor before revealing that he is the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger. Originally trained under his father, Master Finn, RJ rejected the Shark Style and instead adopted the wolf spirit for combat. When he is not fighting alongside the Rangers, he runs the Jungle Karma Pizza parlor that also acts as their headquarters.RJ, as the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, embodies the Wolf Animal Spirit. His fighting style derives primarily from the traditional Muay Thai style, clearly expressed through his barrage of elbow-and-knees-based attacks. As a momentum-based melee fighter, RJ overwhelms his foes with an oppressive litany of strikes, inevitably breaking their defenses.

Robert "RJ" James

  • New Character Skin: Phantom Beast King skin for Dai Shi (Free with Purchase of Season 3 Pass) – When Jellica freed the Phantom Beast Generals, they turned on her before using their powers to make Dai Shi the Phantom Beast King. With the Phantom Beast Generals and his new power, Dai Shi was able to defeat the Rangers time after time until finally, Jarrod was able to break through Dai Shi’s control and weaken him enough that the protectors were able to destroy the evil spirit once and for all. This skin is exclusive to Season 3 Pass.

  • New Ultra (Free): Samurai Megazord – We are united! Call up the power of the Samurai Megazord to assist your team in battle.

  • Megazord Revamp (Free): Megazord Ultra activation conditions have been revamped. Instead of requiring at least one character to be knocked out, you can now activate your Ultra based on the consumption of the Megazord Revenge Meter.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid pits current and classic Power Rangers and villains from the multiverse’s over 25 year history against one another in epic 3v3 tag team battles. The controls promote simplicity and fluidity, enabling beginners to enjoy the combat system and encouraging advanced players to delve into its gameplay mechanics, which include real-time assist takeover, dynamic defense through push blocking and aerial guard, customizable juggle combos, and a unique Megazord comeback mode. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid supports full crossplay across PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. More information is at

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