It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!
Ranger Command Power Hour is back to discuss all the news we missed during last month’s Ranger Commentary Month. Hosts Eric and Zach are joined by guest co-host Chris (@TokuChris) from TokuNation to talk about Power Rangers‘ disappointing showing at San Diego Comic Con. Chris talks about his time at the show and the article he wrote after the convention was over.
Then, Zach and Eric discuss all of the products teased at the show from all of Saban Brands licensees. Finally, we catch up on the rest of the news including: Power Morphicon 2018, Boom! Studios Issue 20 press release, Premium Bandai releases, new Power Rangers Legacy items, Power Rangers Ninja Steel International Spoilers (they’re back!) and upcoming episode titles, and FIDGET SPINNERS.
Don’t mind the baby…
Listen now: Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 098 – “Rangers SDCC & News Roundup“
Links mentioned in show:
- Ask us a question on!
- Listen to our last episode
- TokuNation SDCC Coverage
- IGN Boom! Comics Exclusive – Power Rangers in 1969
- Power Rangers Ninja Steel Episode Descriptions [Power Rangers Now!]
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